King's Business - 1943-10

October 1943

When the President Gave a Puppy


B ARBARA ANN wanted something very, very much. What do you suppose she wanted? A puppy! Barbara Ann is eleven years old and lives in Indiana. Her father works in a big war plant. The guards there had adopted a dog and this mother dog lived on »the grounds. One day, thirteen little puppies were born at the plant. Barbara Ann’s father asked the guards for one of them for his little girl. But the guards said they had no right to give the puppies away, because they were born on government property, and thus be­ longed to the government. Boor Barbara Ann was so disap­ pointed that she was ready to cry. She knew, however, that the President of the United States has the highest office in the government, so she de­ cided to write a letter to him and ask for the puppy. ' Most people would think that the President would be too busy to bother about a little girl’s request, especially now when a world war is raging. But do you know what the President did? He referred Barbara Ann’s letter to the War Department, and Brig. Gen. R. E. Hardy of the ordnance depart­ ment wrote to Barbara himself, and told'her she could-have the puppy! So, through the courtesy of the Presi­ dent and the War Department, the gift she wanted most was presented to her. Barbara is extremely happy and calls her puppy “Dynamite.” If all of you could be asked what you want, probably there would be many answers. Perhaps some would want bicycles, or roller skates, or new shoes, or a pet. It makes us happy when we receive the, things we want But there is something that each of us should have, something that is much more important than pets, or

toys, or anything else that m o n e y can buy. It is God’s salvation. To have our sins forgiven, and to know that we belong to God’s family m a k e s us much more happy than anything else can do. . You see, if we get a box of candy, it is soon eaten up. Even roller skates and bicycles wear out, and a f t e r a

P P H i H i f M i Photo courtesy of "Our Dumb Animals!**

women receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, the Father receives them into His family as His own children. As His children, He wants us_ to bring all our requests to Him. Psalm 145:19 says: “He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him.” And here is another lovely, verse: “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psa. 37:4). ' Although the Lord knows the desired of our hearts, He wants us to speak to Him about them. He says: “In everything by prayer . . . with thanks­ giving let your requests be made known unto God” (Phil. 4:6). Have you the habit of telling the Lord your requests or desires? If you have, happiness both here and hereafter will be yours! ----- :— A Living Object Lesson We learn a great many helpful truths from the things which God has created, or from the objects which man has. made out of the materials which God has created. We call these object lessons. Some have life, and ' some have not. A dog, besides being

while are not of much value. Even if we have a little puppy or some other pet, these sometimes run away, or get run over, or disappoint us. But when we have the happiness in our hearts that comes because our sins are forgiven, that joy will last not only all our lives—but forever, and ever and ever! Barbara Ann didn’t have the right to take that puppy until the highest authorities told her she could have it. And you and I would not have any right to the joy of having our sins forgiven and belonging to God’s fam­ ily unless God gave us the right or 'privilege (John 1:12). God is the highest authority in the universe, yet He is interested in every one of us and He wants us to belong to His very own family. - He knows that we have sinned and do not deserve to be His children. But He has loyed us so much that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; to this earth. The Lord Jesus suffered for us. He died for our sins. He rose again and is now in heaven. Now, whenever boys or girls or men or

Junior King's Business By M A R T H A S. H O O K ER

Member of Faculty, Bible Institute of Los Angeles

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