King's Business - 1943-10

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October 1943

It to be a happy home. Our lesson is about some of the people who were in it. LESSON STORY: There was the father, whose name was Adam. The Bible says: “The Lord God formed [him] of the dust of the ground” (Gen. 2:7). Only God could do that. God gave to Adam work to do in the beautiful garden

Dr. A . C. Gaebelein

writes TWO NEW BOOKS (Publication Date September, 1943) WILL THERE BE fl MILLENNIUM? WHEN AND HOW?

where he l i v e d . Part of his work was to give names to all the animals and birds. Adam must have been kept busy, but per- h a p s h e w a s lonely, b e c a u s e there was no other

An answer from the Old and New Testaments to the various unbiblical millennium theories. Dr. Gaebelein has used the Searchlight of the Scriptures to show that The Coming Reign of Christ will be over A Literal, Earthly Kingdom. The Historyof the ScofieldReferenceBible Illustrated How the Scofield Reference Bible came to be. How the Lord has blessed this edition of the Word. (Dr. Gaebelein is onp of the original Editors of this famous reference Bible). Every Bible-Loving Christian Should Have These Books Attractive Bindings . . . . Price, Each Volume, 50c postpaid Send for Free Sample Copy of the ARNO C fiAERELETN Ine JUBILEE ISSUE of OUR HOPE ARNO C. GAEBELEIN, Inc. Celebrating a Half Century of Ve"Uy Ministry New York ,6’ New Yo,k

person like himself to talk to him. God loved Adam, and He said, “ It is not good that the man should be alone.” He made a helper for him, a woman whose name was called Eve, which means “ the mother of all liv­ ing.” The Lord did not make Eve, the first woman, in the same way that He had made Adam, the first man. But what God did was always very wonderful. While Adam slept, He took one of Adam’s ribs in a way that did not hurrhim, and using this, He made Eve and brought her to Adam. Adam saw right away that he and Eve were really one, and he was glad. From that day till now, it is God’s plan that the father and mother in every home shall love and trust each other so much that they shall- seem like one person. They can do this only if they have received the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts. Shall we thank God for the happy homes, where the Lord Jesus is pres­ ent? And shall we ask Him, too, to come into the homes that are not happy ones, and make them full of joy? Because He is GOD, He can do this; nothing is too hard for Him. 5 -Division

love for friends and neighbors. Com­ panionship is another thing we find in this home, companionship with Christ and with loved ones. We also discover that the Bible is the basis of this successful home. If you want a real home, do not leave any of these out. Let us now look behind the doors of the house. It may have many mem­ bers and still be just a house. We see b e h i n d these d o o r s the wo r d s , “HATRED, DIVORCE, LUST, PLEAS­ URE, and ENVY.” People often wonder why some households are not a suc­ cess. Perhaps it is because one or all of the above hindrances are present. If any of them ate present, ft will be a place of failure. When Christ is honored, and the Bible is obeyed, love and companion­ ship will result in a real home.

of the other door print the word “HOUSE.” Open the flaps and com­ plete the following, “HATRED, DI­ VORCE, LUST, PL EASURE , and ENVY.” Line the flaps to represent the panels on a door.) LESSON: These, doors look very much alike, but through the gaps we see the word “HOME” in one, and the word “HOUSE” in the other. There are many houses in this country, but the number of real homes is far less. When you open the door, you will see the difference between a house and a home. We will open the door marked “HOME” and see what should be found in a real home. We find the words, “CHRIST, LOVE, COMPANION­ SHIP, and BIBLE.” This home will be a success because Christ is the head. Where Christ is, there we will find love for Him, love for each other, and


NOVEMBER 21, 1943 HONESTY IN ALL THINGS E xodus 20:15; L eviticus 19:11, 13; L uke 19:1-10, 45, 46


Object Lesson H ouse or H ome

w as; and could not for the press, because he w as little of statute. 4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him ; for he was to p a a t way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zaccheus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house. ,*6 And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. 7 And when they saw it, they all m ur­ mured, saying, That he w as gone to be guest w ith a man that is a sinner. 8 And Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of m y goods

Exodus 20:15 Thou shalt not steal. Leviticus 19:11 Ye shall not steal, neither deal fasely, neither lie one to another. 13 Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning. Luke 19:1 And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. 2 And, behold, there w as a man named Zaccheus, which w as the chief among the publicans, and he w as rich. 3 And he sought to see Jesus who he

OBJECTS: Two paper doors. . (To make the doors use 2 pieces of paper 8 % x ll inches. Fold each end to within Vi inch of the middle, leaving a gap of V 2 inch. In this space on one of the doors write the word “HOME.” Open the flaps and using the word “HOME” complete the following words, “CHRIST, LOVE, COMPANION­ SHIP, and BIBLE.” Between the flaps


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