King's Business - 1943-10


October 1943


r AIM: To show . that everybody— whether he seems to be very good or very bad—needs,the Lord Jesus; and that He will receive every one who comes to Him. APPROACH: Two boys who always went to Sunday-school together .looked surprised and angry when a third boy came into their class one day. “Well, he can’t sit next to me," one boy said to his friend. “I saw him at the game

The stories of mass murder of J e w s by the Nazis computed in the millions .mere first thought to ~>be fantastic. Now un­ m i s t a k a b l e proof shows that heartless cruelty has been understated. A CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE These Jewish persecutions may be in God’s providence our opportunity to win them to C hrist and show that we really* c a re .' • Th is Society is now sending aid through Sweden to starving Jews in Poland, many 'of them children. This is in addition to our m inistry among the two and a half million Jew s In New York City, including the care of Hebrew- Christlan refugees. THE DIVINE IMPERATIVE “ Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt. 10:6) is C hrist’s com ­ mand with impressive meaning today. T h is Faith W ork, founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thom as M. Chalmers, needs your help by gift and prayer, Frederick A. Aston Read of the progress of_ the work in our monthly “ Jewish Missionary Magazine." Subscription, $1.00 per year. Sample copy, 10c. New York Jewish Evangelization Society, Inc. Rev. Curtis Lee Laws, D.D., LL.D., Président Rev. Frederick A. Aston, A.M., Director 56 Second Avenue, New York 3, N. Y.

l a s t Friday, and he’s nothing but an o l d c h e a t ! ” Many people who followed the Lord J e : us when He was here on earth felt the same way about Zaccheus, a man who collected taxes, because he,

and the bottom up, the. two bars will come together, making a red cross.) LESSON: This white “I” reminds me of an individual when he is born into the world. His life’s record is clean, but because of his sinful heart it does not remain that way long. Many sins are committed which stain and mar the life. I want to talk to you this morning about one particular sin—stealing. More people are guilty of this sin than we realize. One of the first things which a child steals is something out of his mother’s cupboard. Mothers often forbid chil­ dren’s eating between meals in order that they may have good appetites at mealtime. We will write the word “FOOD” on this “I” ' with a black crayon. Children have been known to steal money from their mother’s purse, in order that they might buy candy. We will write the word “MONEY” on the «TH ‘ ' Older people have keen known to steal time from their employers, when the boss is not watching. We will write “TIME” on the “ I.” It is possible to steal another per­ son’s good name, by speaking falsely about him. We will put the ^word “NAME” on the “I.” This “ I” is now' covered with sin. Many forms of stealing have been placed on it. It reminds me of an individual before he is sdved. Even though a person is a thief, if he will humble himself and take Christ as his personal Saviour, this and all other sins will be placed under the blood of Christ. [Fold the “I” as directed.] Now we have a cross with the red, which represents the blood of Christ, covering all our sins.

too, was not always honest. Our les­ son tells what happened when the people and Zaccheus’ and the Lord Jesus all got together. LESSON STORY: Zaccheus was rich- Probably he got his money by taking more taxes from the people than he should have taken. When he did that, he was really stealing. And Zaccheus was short, too, so that he could not see over the heads of the people. Nobody would help him to a place where he could see better, be­ cause nobody liked him. So, running ahead of the crowd, Zaccheus climbed into a tree where he could ;get a good view of every­ thing* Nearer and nearer came the Lord Jesus. Presently He was stand­ ing right under the tree where Zac­ cheus sat. Jesus looked up. He could see right into Zaccheus’ 'heart; He knew about the wrong things he had done. But He wanted him to have a clean heart, so He said something like this: “Zaccheus, come down, for today I am going to be with you at your house.” The people were sur­ prised and perhaps angry. But Zac- oheus obeyed the Lord. He not only asked Jesus to come into his house, and said he would give back to the people all he, had stolen from them, but he took the Lord Jesus into his heart also, and that was the best part of all. The Lord 'Jesus was showing to the people—and to us—that He is the Saviour that everybody needs. OBJECTS: A capital “I” and a black crayon. (The “I” is cut from stiff con­ struction paper, before the lesson. It should be 14 inches high, the stem 1 inch wide, and the top and bottom bars 4j inches wide and 1 inch high. Color the back red. Crease 2% inches from the top,, permitting the top to fold forward . when desired. Make another crease 5 inches from the bot­ tom. When the top is folded down Object Lesson S t a in e d b y S t e a l in g

“/¿¡fGOWNS Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulln Bros. & Co. . 1126 8. 4th. St... Greenville, til.

FREE CATALOG Listing an extra large stock of merchandise for the Church and Sunday- School. Also splendid seasonal and Christmas gifts with many fine items for the homei • \ THE BOONE PUBLISHING CO. Dept. 4, P. O. Box 200 n « c U n ifios. Inwsi New Suede-Back FLANNELGRAPH Figures

These figures are ready to use. Printed in colors on heavy, suede-back oauer they adhere to flanuel background. 18 complete story sets available. Figures are 9 to 11 % inches high, average 12Ite. t i e ^ Interchangeable for many stories. Acclaimed by teachers, child evangelism leaders and superintendents. Sample miniature figure on request. Make Bible Stories LIVE! I Z d " and the Giant □ David and Abigail O Naaman the Leper O Daniel in the Lion’ s Deif □ Isaac and the W e lls P The (Suntest •m Mt iCarmel □ Boy Jesus Obeying □ Prodigal Son CfSood Samaritan □ TheL Prayer □ Peter in Prison □ Eight Foreign Children P Creation. EACH STORY SET: $1. Order -today. Also complete line of other visual

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