King's Business - 1943-10


October 1943

made about others at any time or place/ God’s children in particular need to be exceedingly careiul as to what they say of others. It would be well before speaking about people to let the words pass through these three gates of gold: First, is it true? Sec­ ond, is it needful? Tfyird, is it kind? 2. "Thou shalt not raise a false re­ port" (Ex. 23:1). The word “false” car­ ries the idea of something groundless or baseless, something without a cause or reason, something untrue. Here is the root of the evil known as gossip. It is the peddling about ,of mere hear­ say, the telling to others of things that have no basis of reality, no ground of truth. It is also worth noting that the Hebrew root from which the word “false” comes means “to cheat.” One who gossips or falsifies about an­ other cheats that one of virtue. He robs him of his true character. By such a standard, how many cheaters and robbers are there even among the professed children of God? 3. "Put not thine hand with the wicked" (Ex. 23:1). In other words God’s people ought not be like the wicked in the matter of bearing false witness. They are to be different from the world. They are not to shake hands with the unregenerate in the sense of fellowship or practice. 4. "But I say unto you. Swear not at all" (Matt. 5:34). In spite of the insistence of some noted commenta­ tors that our Lord did not mean to entirely. abolish the taking of oaths but merely to discourage the fla­ grant abuse of the practice of His day, the simple reading of Matthew 5:33- 37 and the similar passage in James 5:12 would seem to indicate no other interpretation than unqualified pro­ hibition of all oath-taking. Some argue that since swearing' was per­ mitted in the Old Testament our Lord would not forbid it in the New Testa­ ment. But the reader should be re­ minded that this does not necessarily follow. In a recent study of the mat­ ter of divorce we noted that certain types of divorce which were permitted under the law were abrogated by Jesus (Matt. 19:3-9). He explained these changes on the basis that cer­ tain things were permitted under the law because of the “hardness” of the people’s hearts. , The matter of the oath was of this nature and, like the matter of divorcement, has no place in this day enlightened by a fuller revelation. “Swear not at all" means, we believe, exactly what it says. Even the courts of our land recognize the Biblical teaching on this matter and permit the individual to “ affirm” rather than to “swear.” Golden Text Illustration E phesians 4:25 “If you tell the truth,” wrote Chi­ nese Gordon to his sister, “you have

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infinite power supporting you; but if not, you have infinite power against you. The children of kings should be above all deceit, for they have a mighty and a jealous Protector. . . . When we lie, we rely on other than God. We may for a time seem to humbug men, but not God. It is in­ deed worldly silliness to be deceitful. . ., . Oh, be open in all your ways! Truth is a girdle around your loins, strengthening you in all your way­ farings.” • It is the fearless and exceptionless veracity-, of such men which gives them their power. To the men of acknowledged highest character, no lie is justifiable. They do not gird their loins ivitti deceit. In their inward parts is ytruth.—Robert E. Speer, in The Sunday School Times. The Boy Samuel J ohn 8:42-45; 1 S amuel 3:1-18 MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord God will we serve, and unto his voice will we hearken” (Josh. 24:24). AIM: To teach that we may hear the Lord’s voice today, as truly as Samuel did, if we listen to what He says to us in the Bible. APPROACH: Tommy’s father is a soldier in the United States Army, and he is far away from home. He sent a birthday greet­ ing on a phono­ graph record to his little son. N o w, Whenever Tommy plays that record, he hears his fa­ ther’s voice, just as truly as if his fa­ ther were right with h i m. It is t h e same voice, but the way of listening to it is different. LESSON STORY: Today we hear the voice of God through the Bible, God’s Word. But long' ago, before the Lord Jesus was on earth, and before people had the Bible to show them His will, God used different ways of telling people what He wanted. OnCe He spoke aloud to a little boy named Samuel and gave to him an impor­ tant^message. Samuel lived with Eli in the temple, which we would call a church, and 5-Division

P R O P H E C Y Monthly, Oct. Issue Other headliners in the same issue: “Demonism Here and Now’’ ; “Should Christians Go. Kosher?” ; “Mauro’s A-millenialism” ; “Another Wilderness

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