King's Business - 1943-10



NOVEMBER 28, 1943 BUILDERS OF AMERICA P s a l m 144:1-15 By Mary Frances Redding Introduction ,

II. BUILDERS IN LATER YEARS. As we look through the years we see such statesmen as Abraham Lincoln who built the walls of America stronger with the abolition of slavery; such men of God as Dwight L. Moody

MOTTOES Ete* Christians everywhere appreciate our merch­ andise. Agents and or­ ganizations easily earn from $25 to $100 by showing our complete line which includes 20 different Greeting Card assortments. Our NEW Cheer and Comfort as­ sortment of 21 General Sentiment f ol 4 e r s is taking the country by storm. 4,God Cares for You**; “A Prayer for

Houses may be built in a few weeks or months, public buildings erected in a space of months or perhaps years; but eventually they are finished and the builders call their work done. Not so with nations. The process of build­ ing America has been going on for hundreds of years, but we cannot say, “The work is completed—this is our nation—this is the finished product which the builders have made.” No, we are still building, and the “builders • of America” today are quite as im­ portant as those early builders who laid the foundations. And, small though it may seem, our building as a Christian Endeavor Society or even as individual members, is not insig­ nificant. Let us consider some of the* builders who have made or are mak­ ing America what she is. For Those Who Have Topics I. BUILDERS OF THE FOUNDATIONS. Even in the years before the Pil­ grims sailed for this land, God was laying foundations in their hearts in the desire for freedom and the right to worship Him as they would. Through their settling here and through the early days of the nation in the setting up of the government and the writing of the Constitution, the builders of the nation often looked to God as the architect who could show them the only worthy blueprints to follow (cf. Prov. 3:5, 6). Take your history book and review the accounts of the early days of our country and the lives of such men as Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin, noting the dependence upon God so often evi- dencecf (ef. Jas. 1:5; 1 Cor. 3:11).

You in the Service**; and “He Shares Each Burden **axe a few of the captions used. Every ' household is a prospective customer, and the $2.00 worth of cards sell very easily at $1.25. This assortment along with 5 other good selling boxes (including Christmas) will be sent to you postpaid for $2.00. Retail value of 6 boxes is $4.85. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Lighthouse Press, M echanicsburg, Box K10, Pa. High School Course a t H o m e I Many Finish in 2 Years Go as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares you for entrance to -college. Standard H. S. texts supplied— Diploma. Credit for H. 8. subjects already completed. Single sub­ jects if desired. High school education is very important for •d> vancement in business and industry and socially: Don’t be handi­ capped all yoor life. Be a High School graduate. Start your training now. Free Bulletin an request. No obligation. «American School, Dpt H-73& Drexel at 58fth. Chicago Write for FREE Sample “ The Doorstep E vangel’*1 widely used to w in' souls. 4-page. Monthly distributed by Churches, C lasses' and individuals. Low in cost.-H ig h in R esults. W hy not inves­ tiga te? W rite, enclosin g stamp fo r m ail­ ing to

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By all means you, should have this timely book! The Time ofJacob'sTrouble' By LOU IS S. BAUM AN One of America’s outstanding students of Bible prophecy W H A T READERS S A Y

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