King's Business - 1943-10



give us Christian men “in the lower places behind the twall.” —Harold A. Allem. ■ Putting in the Heart “For where ypur treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Lk. 12:34). Is your heart really ,in the work of Christ and getting the gospel to the lost? Where are your treasures? Where is your time? Where is your interest? What does your influence count for? If all the Christians would throw all their resources into the battle for our God and His Christ, we could turn the world upside down with the gos­ pel. People hunger for the old, old story of Calvary. Put your heart into^ it. How? Simply by tossing your treas­ ures in first, and your heart will be sure to follow.—John Barbee. 30. The Shepherd's Leading “He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake” (Psa. 23:3). As in the East the shepherd always precedes the flock, to discover the greenest patches of grass and the least stony path, so does Jesus ever keep in front of the soul that trusts and loves Hirn. . . . We must be willing to be led, for the place of usefulness and blessedness is in following the lead of Jesus. The one ambition of our being should be to be sure that we' are resolutely following the Shep­ herd withersoever He goeth. —F. B. Meyer. 31. All Your Need “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by'Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). For my part, my soul is like a hun­ gry and thirsty child; and I need His love and consolation for my refresh­ ment. I am a wandering and lost sheep; and I need Him as a good and faithful sjhepherd. My soul is like a frightened dove pursued by the hawk; and I need His wounds for a refuge. I am a feeble vine; and I need His Cross to lay hold of, and to wind my­ self about. I am a sinner; and I need His righteousness. I am naked and bare; and I need His holiness and in­ nocence for a covering. I am ignorant; and I need His teaching: simple and foolish; and I need the guidance of His Holy Spirit. In no situation, and at no time, can I do without' Him. Do I pray? He must prompt, and intercede for me. Am I arraigned by Satan at the divine tribunal? He must be my Advocate. Am I in affliction? He must be my Helper. Am I persecuted by the world? He must defend me. When I am forsaken, He must be my support; when I am dying, my life; when mouldering in the grave, my Resurrection.—Gotthold. 29.

Burdens? 1 have them; oft they press me sore, Arid then—I lean the harder, trust the more. Worthy? Oh, no! The marvel of it is That I should know such boundless love as His! And so, I’m rich; with Christ I am “joint heir,” Since He once stooped my poverty to share. —Edith Lillian Young. Antidote for Anxiety “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). The forms of care are many. We may be burdened with anxiety in re­ gard to our daily bread, our health, our loved ones, or even our work for God. We cannot ignore legitimate needs, whether of ourselves or of others, but carking and corroding care on account of them is incompatible with faith. Such faith Will not ignore facts or entertain the delusive ex­ pectation that the believer will be im­ mune from trial—an idea utterly con­ trary to Scripture—but in a calm con­ fidence that “ all things work to­ gether for good to them that love God,” and that His way is always best, will trust and not be afraid. —W. M. Robertson. Necessary, but Obscure “Therefore set I in the lower places behind the wall” (Neh. 4:13). No business can exist with more men at the top than on the produc­ tion line. No building can long endure with more weight on/the top than on the bottom. No army can win with more generals than soldiers. No build­ ing can outlast its foundation. The firmness of its stand does riot depend upon the smooth beauty of its walls, the symmetry of its architecture or the harmony of its proportions. It must: stand or fall according to its foundations—the things “in the lower places” and “behind the wall.” God 27. 28.

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