King's Business - 1943-10


. . . . Don't Waste a Minute!

K OU WANT these choice Christ- mos treasures, don't you? . • . Poems, a story, a pantomime— by the beloved writer, Helen Frazee- Bower. Then please let us hear from you promptly, for war regulations prohibit our printing more than enough for the- actual demand. Taking its 'title from a delightful story, “ God’s Trees,” this beautifully illustrated, 32-page book has a heart *25 cents extra for Canadian or foreign subscription . all with the Christmas theme and all

KING’S BUSINESS at $1.00.* You may designate that the subscription is to begin with the Christmas or New Year issue, if you wish. Book and subscrip­ tion will be sent to separate addresses 'if desired. It is not too early to place your order now. We repeat: The number printed will be determined by the response to this announcement, for in compli­ ance with government regulations, we cannot print more than will be needed at once. Send in your order TODAY.

appeal for both children and adults. You will use the story in your own family circle, in Christmas programs, and for the stimulation to faith thaf your adult heart craves. The panto­ mime, “Home at Christmas,” with its family scenes and wartime setting, is reprinted in the book by urgent pub­ lic request. And the individual poems in the book are each one a gem. This Christmas treasury of inspira­ tion will be sent FREE with each new or renewal-subscription to THE

The K in s's Business, 558 South Hope St.

Send ....---------- copies of the book alone {at 25 cents each) to:

Los Anseles 13, Calif.

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