King's Business - 1943-10



Pacific Garden Mission By Carl F. H. Henry

O u r L i t e r a t u r e T a b l e

Here, in twenty brief chapters, there is displayed an amazing “panorama of redemption”—a sharp, closeup pic­ ture of the lives of men and women, who have been snatched from ruin and lifted to places of service and respect in the sixty-five years of the Mission’s history. Harry Monroe, Billy Sunday, Mel Trotter, Bill Hadley, and Walter MacDonald are a few of the better-known converts; but there are scores of others. The author is a skilled writer; other­ wise he could not so, ably pack into few words the colorful stories of so many lives. The book throbs with hu­ man interest. It exalts, as does the in­ stitution about which it is written, the blood of Christ as the.only transform­ ing agency for sin-bound hearts, “This book,” as H. A. ironside de­ clares in the Introduction, “is the best answer to the specious sophistries and, as some think, conclusive arguments of infidelity and atheism.” 144 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. Flaming Fagots By Rosalee Mills Appleby Rich in contributions from nature, from literature, and from observation and experience, the sixteen essays of this book touch on the essentials of holy, gracious living. The author is a missionary to Brazil, one who loves "m y . two Americas, b^hed by. the same Atlantic.” Scenes and charac­ ters from both these “homes” brighten the pages. This is a restful book, and at the same time one that challenges. Perhaps there*is too much optimism tn the author’s view of the possibility of bettering world conditions, but the means advocated—r e g e n e r a t i o n wrought by Christ—certainly is trust­ worthy. 252 pages. Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. Cloth. Price $1.75. Showing the Scriptural basis and the. practical need for mass evangel­ ism, this book of five chapters is a handbook on the preparation and con­ duct of city-wide campaigns. One chapter is by Jewish Hyman Appel- man, whose dynamic, Christ-honoring ministry as an evangelist has been nation-wide; and another is by George T. B. Davis, who was associated with spiritual awakenings under R. A. Tor- rey, Charles M. Alexander, and others and who stresses the importance of prayèr in revival. The union meetings which had for their slogan, “Christ for Philadelphia,” are described by Mr. Dean as a means of help for all who would win souls to Christ. 80 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.00. Christ for America By Horace F. Dean

faith for eighteen years, and for his refusal to compromise with Hitler, that Pastor Niemoeller was cast into prison to suffer the indignities, de­ privations, and savage cruelties prac­ ticed there by the German guards. It was there that the author, -a former judge, and a political prisoper, first became acquainted with Pastor Nie­ moeller. The two c h a p t e r s , “Niemoeller Meets Hitler” and “Hitler, ‘The Sav­ iour of ^Mankind’ ” contain in the words of the Pastor, the review of his three interviews with Hitler. They are authoritatively informative, ; and present the revelation of Hitler’s ear­ ly deception of the German Evangel­ ical Church leaders, and his final intent to crush the promulgation of the Christian doctrines throughout the world. In the other chapters of the book, the author, giyes a factual descrip­ tion of his personal' experiences, and those of his fellow unfortunates. This true account is one of, horror, un­ speakable human suffering, and bar­ barity—so grimly fascinating as to hold the reader within its grasp throughout its p a g e s . 253 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Cldth. Price $2.50. Here is one of 'the finest books we have read in a long time, that is pre­ sented by a preacher to his fellows in the sacred,ministry. The purpose of this work is not to tell men what nor how to preach, but how to act as preachers; that is, how to behave in the highest and holiest of all the of­ fices God has ordained. The reading of this volume will do much to start the young preacher in the right way, and will do much to make t hemi n ­ istry of the older man more fruitful. It will warn both of many pitfalls, and will give wisdom to help in over­ coming bad situations within any congregation. The demands, the temptations, the pursuits, and the loneliness of the pastor are discussed. Also, the pastor as a soul-physician in the clinic, deal­ ing with youth and with adults, both men and women, is given a carefifl and sane treatment. Many vivid and illuminating incidents are revealed to drive home the* argument presented. Every preacher should have a well- read copy; and a knowledge of this volume by the laymen would giye them a better Understanding of' their pastor. 215 pages. Round Table Press, New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $2.00. Maturing in the Ministry By Eugene Dinsmore Dolloff

Leadings of a Prayer Answering God By Alverta N. Dundas “ . . . honest and hungry to know God, I sincerely asked Him to go with me to a select party dance.- He not only accepted the invitation, but graciously led me to Calvary. It was like this . . . ” The story which follows is packed with human interest and spiritual warmth. It Is one in which the author tells of her personal experience with her Lord. It is a very real -experience including her conversion, consecra­ tion, training for Christian service, and many thrilling adventures in witness­ ing for Christ. Chapter titles are: “Converted -at a Dance,” “God Is Not a Robber,” “No Spiritual Short Cuts,” “Training for Christian Service,” and “Through Open Doors.” This is an ex-' cellent little booklet to put in the hands of the honest(seeker or the new Christian. 32 pages.’The Gospel Press, P. O. Box 6059, Cleveland, Ohio, or The Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Paper. Price, three copies, 15 cents,' Harold Alexander knows the songs that servicemen like, for he has been working closely with military men. He has furnished, in this attractive red-white-and-blue jacketed book, the words and music for' 153 selections, and words alone for 68 others. The substantial old favorites are here, as well as the new songs that fit into wartime moods. 158 pages. Paper. Price 35 cents. Order from the pub­ lisher: Harold Alexander, P. O. Box 321, Los Angeles, Calif. - “When the war is over and history records this period of time, it is not impossible that the greatest name, a name to inspire men for years to come will be that of the magnificient Christian, Martin Niemoeller.” After two years of companionship in suf­ fering through days and nights filled with horror in three of Germany’s most famous prisons and concentra­ tion camps, the author of this book, Dr. Leo Stein, pays the above tribute to Pastor Niemoeller, the hero of this story. At the close of World War I, the U-Boat commander, Martin Niemoel­ ler, spurned a high commission in Germany’s reorganized navy to be­ come a minister of the gospel in the German Evangelical Church. It was for this earnest contending for the Gospel Songs of our Servicemen By -Harold Alexander I Was In Hell with Niemoeller By Leo Stein

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