King's Business - 1943-10

GOSPEL FILMS SCRIPTURES VISUALIZED INSTITUTE, 325 W . Huron St., Chicago 10, III. Page 390. GREETING CARDS SCRIPTURE GREETING CARD CO.. BOX 9342} Philadelphia 5, Pa. Page 394._______ IN SURAN CE MINES, MacKEIGAN & H ILKER , 3767 W ilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5, Cal. Page 388. LANTERN SLIDES C. W H ITF IELD SIMS, 6176 MYOSOTIS St., L os Angeles, 42, Calif. Page 392, MARKET RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, LOS AN - geles, 5, Calif. Page 392.___________ M IS S IO N S AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO the Jews, Inc., 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, 6, N. Y. Contents page.________________________ THE BE TH E L MISSION OF EASTERN EUROPE, INC., 252 N. Dillon St., Los An- geles, 26, Calif. Page 384.___________ N EW YORK JEW ISH EVANGELIZATION Society, Inc., 56 Second Ave., New Y ork 3, N. Y. P age 383. _____________ *_______ __ RUSSIAN CHRISTIAN RELIEF SOCIETY, Inc., 690 Eighth Ave., Room 506, New York, N. Y. Page 3 9 2 . _______________ RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC., 1844 W . Monroe St., Chicago 12, III. Page 391. ' -, ________ (_____________ OPTOMETRIST DR. FRANK H . GUERNSEY, 415 PARK Central Bldg., 412 W . Sixth St., Los An- geles 14, Calif. Page 386.____________________ _ PHOTO F IN ISH IN G 8 EXPOSURE ROLL DEVELOPED EX TR A Enlarged 30c. The Mt. H oreb Photo Service chooses sincerity over gain. Those extra enlarged prints bring out the before unseen item s of interest. Glossy enlargements that please, 5x7, 25c; 8x10, 40c; send negative. B ox 583 Mt. H oreb, W is. ______________ PRINTERS— ENGRAVERS r t t . f v .MQORTO ENGRAVING C O - 337 S. Los Angeles St., L os Angeles 13, Calif. Page 388. ________________________ ____________ SH O E REPA IR ING ERICK PETERSON , 730 W . SIXTH ST., Los Angeles, 14, Calif. Page 396. SCRIPTURE TEXT CALENDAR MESSENGER CORPORATION, AUBURN, Indiana . Inside back cover._____________ ______ SU N D A Y -SCH O O L SUPPLIES AMERICAN SUNDAY - SCHOOL UNION, 1816 Chestnut S t„ Philadelphia 3, Pa. Page 39 2.______________________ 11ERBAN BOOK ROOMS, 405 S. H ILL ST., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Page 385. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1507 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Page Safe, GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS. 1443-A N. VINE St., Hollywood 28. Calif. Pages 395 and 396. THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, INC.. SOU N. Clark St., Chicago 10, 111. Page 389. STANDARD PUBLISHING CO., 8TH AND Cutter Sts., Cincinnati 3, Ohio. Inside front cover.____________ ___________ TRACTS FAITH , PRAYER AND TRACT LEAGUE, Muskegon Heights, Mich. P age 385.______ LITHUAN IAN TRACTS NOW AVA ILABLE . W rite to H enry Miller, 1816 W ellington Ave., Chicago^ 13, 111 TITHER, 71OK INSURANCE BLDG., LÖS Angeles 13, Calif. Page 395. TRACT -O F -THE -M ON TH CLUB, 322 W . W ashington, Chicago 6, 111. Page 391. W O R LD -W ID E MONTHLY TRAC T CLUB. P. O. B ox 1, Spokane 1, W ash. Page 395. W ANTED W AN TED FINANCIAL FIELD MAN FOR sound established work. National Gospel Printing Service, Alpine, N. Y.


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