Identifying, Assessing and Evaluating the risks
Identify key risk issues that may result in adverse consequences or constrain the achievement of stated objectives for the project/activity using the following steps:
1. Provide summary of project/activity. 2. Break the project/activity down into a series of components (from start to finish) on separate lines. 3. Identify potential risks ( things that might ‘go wrong’ or hazards if undertaking a safety assessment) for each component. 4. Assess the inherent risk (before control measures) for each risk identified by: a. Evaluating the possible consequence of the hazard using the Consequence Scale (see below) b. Evaluate the likelihood of that consequence using the Likelihood Scale (see below) c. Determine rating of each risk using the University Risk Matrix. 5. Develop appropriate risk control measures to eliminate or reduce the risks. 6. Assess the residual risk (i.e. after control measures) once again by: a. Evaluating the possible consequences of the risk using the Consequence Scale (see below) b. Evaluate the likelihood of that consequence using the Likelihood Scale (see below) c. Determine rating of each risk using the University Risk Matrix.
7. Identify persons responsible for implementing and monitoring relevant components. 8. Determine highest remaining residual risk. 9. Determine if a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) is to be developed from the Risk Assessment. 10. Identify any Risk Appetite Statements that may be relevant for consideration as part of this assessment and comment whether you believe based on the identified residual risk ratings we are operating within appetite. 11. Seek delegation sign off in accordance with the University Schedule of Risk Delegations. 12. Ensure all persons involved in the activity have read, understand and sign the risk assessment before work starts.
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