Nottingham Law School 2016/17

Who will teach me? Alfonso Valero Alfonso is the Course Leader of our LLM programmes. Before joining Nottingham Law School, Alfonso was a practising lawyer, firstly in Spain and then as a solicitor in England. Alfonso teaches International Dispute Resolution, Sports Law and International Commercial Transactions. He also teaches EU law on the undergraduate courses. His research interests are dispute resolution, and sports law. Dr Austen Garwood-Gowers Dr Garwood-Gowers is the author of over 50 publications in the field of healthcare law and ethics, including leading-edge works in the transplantation and medical use of the human body more generally. He has close links with experts in this field from across the globe, and has been involved in projects on issues ranging from transplantation to capacity and the impact of faith and belief on health law. He occasionally reviews grant applications for the Wellcome Trust and The Research Foundation Flanders, and articles for such journals as Medical Law Review and Medical Law International . He is broadly interested in themes related to the human body that have ethical and legal dimensions, both in a sporting and medical context. Janice Denoncourt Janice became an academic in the UK following a career as a barrister and solicitor in Perth, Western Australia. She has worked as in-house counsel for a publicly listed company and senior associate heading the Intellectual Property (IP) department of a commercial law firm. Janice completed her PhD at the University of Nottingham, and researches and publishes in the IP and business law field.

Seema Patel Seema has a PhD in Sports Law. Her particular area of expertise is discrimination in sport. Seema has published a book with Routledge, which explores the socio-legal and regulatory balance between inclusion and exclusion in competitive sport. She has provided expert comment to the media on news stories relating to discrimination in sport, and she has advised on expert panels concerning participation in sport. Seema teaches on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Simon Boyes Simon’s research interests include sports’ relationship with European Union law, the regulation of sports governing bodies, sports arbitration and the interface between sport’s self-regulatory systems and the law. He has published work on a wide range of sports law topics and provides expert comment to the local, national and international media. Simon has also been awarded a grant and Joao Havelange Scholarship by the CIES (International Centre for Studies in Sport – University of Neuchatel in association with FIFA) for research relating to the legitimate limits of legal intervention in football. Go to for more information.

For full details of course delivery and assessment, future careers and employability, fees and funding and how to apply, visit


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