You didn’t consider high-value items. Creating a post-retirement budget is vital because it can help you estimate your expenses, manage your spending habits, and help you save the money you need to fulfill your lifestyle. However, you may realize you’re spending more than expected during retirement. Perhaps you had to purchase a new car, make home or vehicle repairs, or buy another big-ticket item. Regardless of how easy it is to overlook these items, leaving them out of your post- retirement budget would be costly. Always consider every little detail and list the potential repairs or expensive purchases you may have to make. It’s better to over-save rather than under-save! If your financial accounts need to be reviewed, we will gladly assist you! Our team can help you reach your retirement goals and ensure you’re prepared for anything that comes your way.
A common fear that runs through the heads of many is the concern of running out of money during retirement. Regardless of how much you’ve prepared, you’ll quickly discover that retirement will cost more than you anticipated and planned for. Today, we wanted to highlight the three factors that cause people to question their financial stability during retirement and how you can overcome them. You underestimate your life expectancy. You don’t want to be 20 years into retirement and realize you only have enough funds for one or two more years. Many advisors recommend saving enough money to last 25–30 years. One of the best tools to help you accumulate wealth is having more than one stream of income. Consider creating a portfolio of diversified investments and withdrawing money from it over time. An advisor can also help you calculate how much you may
spend during retirement and provide other strategies to amass more funds. You didn’t plan for high medical fees and expenses. After reviewing the Fidelity Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, retired couples may need to save more than they expect for long- term health costs. If you remember from our last newsletter, we stated that single people should save $157,500 and married couples should save $315,000, as emergencies and unexpected health issues can occur anytime. Furthermore, with inflation and constant changes to Medicare drug plan coverage, the price of medications, treatments, and services could vary in the future. When preparing your retirement accounts for medical costs, don’t overlook small items like prescription co-pays, service fees, and other minuscule expenses. It’s also beneficial to note how much you typically spend on over- the-counter medications.
We Would Love to Hear From YOU!
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With summer over and fall here, pecan and honey reign supreme in this sweet chicken recipe. The honey provides a perfect caramelization while pecans pack on the crunch factor!
• 2 6-oz boneless, skinless chicken breast halves • 1/4 tsp salt • 1/4 tsp garlic powder • 1/8 tsp black pepper • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper • 1 tbsp butter • 3 tbsp honey • 2 tbsp finely chopped pecans
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1. Pound chicken with a meat mallet to 1/2-inch thickness. Sprinkle with salt, garlic powder, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. 2. In a large nonstick skillet, heat butter over medium heat; brown chicken on both sides. Cook covered until chicken is no longer pink, about 6–8 minutes, turning once. 3. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with pecans. Cook covered until chicken is glazed, about 2–3 minutes. Directions
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