King's Business - 1952-01

Feb. 24, 1952 CHRISTIAN CITIZENSHIP DEMANDS RESPONSIBILITY 1 John 3:16, 17; Rom. 15:1-3 The above Scriptures with many oth­ ers too, leave no doubt that the Chris­ tian is saved to serve. Long ago Cain asked the question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The Christian answer is an emphatic yes. The Christian ethic was summed up by our Lord as love for God and for one’s neighbor. This love does not refer to sentiment, it is the love of the will which expresses itself towards the needs of those round about the Christian. Citizenship by Evangelism During this month it has been fre­ quently emphasized that the only basis for civic well-being is that of the Chris­ tian citizenship which is based on re­ generation, therefore the Christian En- deavorer’s first responsibility is towards the conversion of his fellow citizens. He must remember that he may be the only missionary who has entry to his work­ mates, schoolmates, or playmates. Many of these will not go to church and they are not easily accessible to the minister. If the Christian can succeed in per­ suading some of his fellows to accept Christ as Saviour he will be making a greater contribution to the well-being of his nation than if he were an United States Senator. Citizenship by Good Deeds Even an occasional reading of the gospels makes it evident that our Lord spent a good deal of time doing good deeds to others. In Matthew 6 He puts this same obligation upon His disciples adding that they must not do this for personal glory. The parable of the Good Samaritan is a vivid reminder to the Christian that he must minister to his neighbor when in any kind of need. The Christian should be notable for his con­ tributions both in money and in time to the great welfare organizations of his country. He should go even further than the Boy Scout who does' a good deed every day and be on the lookout for any expression of this kind of ministry not only when somebody asks for help but also in searching out needy cases to which he may make a contribution. Many of these may not need material help at all but instead may be longing for sympathy, encouragement, or in­ spiration. The epistle of James has as its theme the uselessness of religion which does not express itself in such acts. Citizenship in Civic Responsibility The key to the Christian attitude to civic responsibility is found in our Lord’s words, “ Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” This is spe­ cifically reiterated on at least four oc­ casions in the epistles, namely that the Christian must submit himself to the J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 2

person, ready to accept truth, yet should I find ‘contradictions’ which would anni­ hilate my faith in Mrs. White’s writings, I would still be a Seventh-Day Advent­ ist.” I would like to say to Brother Prout, in Christian charity and kind­ ness, once we are sold on any religious philosophy, or reared from infancy to believe any religious teaching, it is prac­ tically impossible for us to have an open mind on the subject; and while we can see how “ unreasonable” are others who do not believe as we do, we cannot see how blind we ourselves are. Also in Christian love I would call to his atten­ tion: (1) Adventist teaching is that Mrs. White was a prophetess on a par with the Old Testament prophets. Yet she prophesied the Jews would never again become a nation in Palestine! Is this not a fallacy (a contradiction) in the light of present-day history? (2) The Adventist movement practices de­ ception continually, in this manner: week after week on their radio program, Voice of Prophecy, they preach God’s plan of salvation in much the same manner as plain Bible evangelists do; yet not once do they mention who is sponsoring "the program, nor do they air their own particular doctrines which divide them from other believers and!, which Brother Jones set forth in his series of articles in The King’s Business. To Brother Prout, and to all other sin­ cere Seventh-Day Adventists I *would say: if the “ seventh day” were the only point of difference between you and non- denominational Bible believers, I would most certainly lend my approval and support to you and strive toward elim­ inating the deception above referred to. Brother Prout and all dear Adventist believers in God’s Son who redeemed us, have faith in God—be not identified with those who teach for commandments the doctrines of men. G uido A lberto Napa, Calif.

authority of the state. This will mean in the negative sense that the Christian Endeavorer rhust obey the law of the land, not only because this is in his own interests but because the Bible regards the statutes of the state rightly laid down as being the ordinances of God. Perhaps the greatest need here is in regard to traffic laws. Frequently a Christian would not dream of commit­ ting a crime but will not hesitate to go through a red light when he is in a hurry. It is a shameful thing for a Christian to have to be apprehended by a traffic policeman. On the positive side civic responsibility involves that the Christian must play his part as a citi­ zen never neglecting his right to vote whenever an occasion arises, never at­ tempting to avoid taxation responsibili­ ties, or the requirements of military service. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Are faith and works incompatible? Are conscientious objectors ever justi­ fied ? If a Christian should feel he cannot serve in the militia, what should he do to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” ? In what ways does your C.E. society contribute to the needs in your district? We note the article in the October issue, page 16, by Harold V. Graham, “ So You’re Going to Use a Film.” This is really valuable, and has many worth­ while suggestions which should be in the hands of film users. E lmer C. W agler Biggs, Ky. Seventh-Day Adventism I write this letter with all kindness toward the two persons who seem to condemn The King’s Business in the Oc­ tober number for exposing, through Mr. Jones, once a Seventh-Day Adventist himself, one of the most deceptive cults of history—a cult that imitates the true teaching of the Word so well that unless a person is truly guided by the Spirit in the study of the Word, they surely will get led off. We have had some real experiences with cults and thank the Lord many times for such as Dr. Talbot and The King’s Business for trying to help those that do not want to be de­ ceived by cults and false religions. So few of the real Bible students are ready to take the persecution that the devil sends when they expose cults. M r . and M rs . C. M. B igalow Mount Hermon, Calif. In Mr. Eugene Prout’s letter in the November King’s Business, he states: “ I consider myself to be an open-minded Reader Reaction (Continued from Page S)

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