King's Business - 1952-01


Pointers on the Lesson H omer A. K ent , T h .D.


Helps for the Children A llison A rrowood


Lesson material is based upon out­ lines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

Great Books On Prophecy Just Off the Press

These booklets exalt and explain the Word of God, and are written by a world traveler and student of thé Scriptures for 45 years. 1. “ The Second Coming: of Christ Explained.*' This subject is dealt with in great detail, com­ paring the two different events of His coming. 2. “ The Kingdom of God Explained, and the Gospel of the Kingdom.” It explains all the won­ derful prophecies pertaining to' Christ’s ever­ lasting kingdom which is close at hand. 3. “ The New Jerusalem, the City of the Living God.” This book explains the marvelous wonders of heaven, God’s great capital of the Universe. 4. “ Mystery Babylon the Great Explained.” This most difficult of all Prophecies is at last made clear to readers, for it explains the great­ est mystery in the world today. 5. “ The Coming United States in Europe Ac­ cording to Prophecy.” It explains what the Bible states about Communism, and how ten nations will unite in Western Europe as a balance of power against Russia. Special offer. All for $1.00 REV. ANDREW OLSEN BIBLE EXPOSITOR Grays River, Washington I" 71 T J 71 TIT The printing press is a J i l _ L i i l l l great foreign mission­ ary and we should use it more, while it is day. This is your opportunity to share with your prayers and gifts in free and wide distribution of salvation tracts. Your entire g ift buys tracts . SCRIPTURE TRACT FELLOWSHIP Harry J. Swan Central P. O. Box 67 Tokyo, Japan

February 3, 1952 THE WOMAN WHO WAS FORGIVEN Luke 7:36-50

Augustine calls them “the blood of her heart.” She also kissed His feet and poured precious ointment upon them. She was a sinner who appreciated her salvation and had to give some ex­ pression to it. A grateful love for Christ is the secret of true Christian service. The Criticism v. 39 Simon the Pharisee at this juncture showed that he had no real conception of the person or work of Christ. He thought within himself that his Guest could not even be a true prophet else He would know what kind of a woman this was who had intruded upon the occasion and He would immediately repulse her. The truth, of course, was that He did know what was in the heart of this woman. He knew of the change which had already been wrought through His grace. Furthermore, the Son of God who knows sinful human hearts is will­ ing to touch them by His grace and to be touched by them. How many there are like Simon to­ day who have a form of religion but no real heart-love for Christ. Simon in­ vited Christ to eat with him, but he lacked an appreciation of the true na­ ture of Christ’s saving ministry. Even his entertainment of Christ was rather cold and niggardly. There was a sort of civility about it but that was about all. The Parable and Application vv. 40-50 The teaching of the Lord’s parable in this connection is clear. It shows Christ’s willingness to save any who will respond to His grace. It further shows that those who really accept our Lord’s forgiveness are bound to manifest it in some outward expression. In His con­ tacts with both the woman and Simon in our story, the Lord Jesus Christ shows that He knew what was in the hearts of both of them. The story demonstrates Christ as deity in that He is able to forgive sin. No mere man can do this.

Pointers on the Lesson In today’s lesson we have a magnifi­ cent demonstration of the reason Jesus came into the world: He came to save sinners of all kinds. He accepted the invitation to the meal at the Pharisee’s house that He might manifest there His matchless grace. During His ministry, Jesus ate with “ publicans and sinners.” As in our lesson today, He ate with men like Simon the Pharisee in order that by such means He might reach the lost. This lesson presents striking contrasts in attitudes. The sinful woman displayed true repentance and Jesus forgave her; the self-righteous Pharisee criticized Jesus’ actions and was rebuked. The Occasion v. 36 A Pharisee by the name of Simon in­ vited Jesus to dine with him. Although he was a Pharisee, and most of the Pharisees were beginning to show an open antagonism to Jesus, Simon had a certain respect for Him as a rabbi or religious teacher. He decided to make a definite effort to become better acquaint­ ed with Him. There is no better way to learn to know folks than around the dinner table and so an occasion of this sort was arranged. The Intrusion vv. 37, 38 The hour having arrived for the serv­ ing of the meal, we see the Guest and His host in their places, reclining after the Roman fashion on couches, the head of each participant being toward the table, and the unsandalled feet stretched out behind, while their bodies rested on the left side and elbow. Around the walls of the room sat some of the in­ habitants of the town, who had learned of the feast and came out of curiosity. Among the spectators was a woman of the street whose heart had been touched by the Son of God. She immediately be­ gan to show her appreciation of Him by washing His feet with her tears. St. J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 2

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