King's Business - 1952-01

always with impoverishment to the soul. “ But one thing is needful,” says Jesus. Nothing can be substituted for a life steeped in the ~Word and in prayer, a life lived in the conscious presence of the Spirit of God. Christ’s Concern for the Bethany Home John 11:1-5 As far as Jesus was concerned, Beth­ any was the town of Mary and Martha and Lazarus. There were other people who lived there but here was a home which opened its portals to Him gladly and He had a particular concern for it. Is your home like this, a place where Christ is the Head and His will su­ preme? As the sorrow of Lazarus’ fatal illness was upon them, his sisters sent at once to notify Jesus who was minis­ tering down by the Jordan. Instinctive­ ly their hearts turned to Him in their trouble. It should always be so with God’s children. No one can comfort like Jesus. Upon hearing the news, Jesus manifested no hurry to get to the side of His friend. He had a ministry to perform among them that they did not realize as yet and it would take a bit of delay to bring it about (v. 6). The Lord told the messengers of His plan. “ This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God” '(v. 4 ). Every such death is for the glory of the God of resurrection. Believers never die (v. 26). s A Magnificent Claim John 11:24-27 This passage records one of the seven great claims of Jesus in John’s Gospel. The others are as follows: “ I am the bread of life . . . the light of the world . . . the door . . . the good shepherd . . . the way, the truth, and the life . . . and the vine.” The claim in today’s lesson that Christ is the Resurrection and the Life sets Him forth as the One above all others who deserves to be trusted in life' and in death. Memory Verse: “She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God” (John 11:27). While the Lord Jesus Christ was upon the earth He had no place that He could call His own home. Some of His friends lovingly opened their homes to Him when He was in their city. One of the homes to which He went most fre­ quently was that of Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha. You will re­ member that Mary at one time had sat at Jesus’ feet to listen to His words of life while her sister, Martha, hurried about preparing a meal for their Guest. Martha had been unhappy that Mary had not been willing to help her with the work, but the Lord Jesus answered that Mary had chosen the best part. One day Lazarus became seriously ill. Immediately his sisters sent for their Friend, the Great Physician. For two days the Saviour stayed in the town where He was instead of hurrying to T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Helps for the Children A Home That Welcomed Jesus Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-5

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