King's Business - 1952-01

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Catalog and fine selections of sample materials on request. Fair prices. Mention whether for Pulpit or Choir. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 4th St. Greenville, 111. SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original instructions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. A L L THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif. LEARN TO PLAY HYMNS on the PIANO You need not know a note of music, yet learn to play for only 50c. A pocket size book shows you how to play any hymn from any hymn book. Sponsored by THE SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC Send 50c in Coin' to THE SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC 3911 Edwards Ave. Oakland 5, Calif. I Sou l Saving Sim p lified ! By Rev. Earl J. Edwards, M .A., M.Th. ■ (Evangelist and Bible Teacher) ■ "Your course is very good.” —-Dr. Charles E. ■ Fuller, noted radio preacher,. Los Angeles, Calif. ■ ■Complete in 12 easy lessons. Full price: $5.00. PILG R IM P U B LIS H E R S * 136 Snell Isle Blvd., St. Petersburg, Fla. F i i m i NO M EM ORIZING OF S C R IP T U R E JU LU U 'MAR IA MONK" A NUN’S LIFE IN A CONVENT A BOOK OF FACTS A detailed description of black nunnery in Mon­ treal. Twenty great chapters. Maria Monk, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible experiences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Mon­ treal. The most terrible revelation ever recorded. OVER TEN M ILLION COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on this vital and important subject. No book like this in print! Read this frightful, heartbreaking story and learn the truth concerning convent life. 106 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.00. The edition is lim­ ited . . . so order at once. GOSPEL ART SHOPPE Dept. KB-1 Rowan, Iowa

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

we are cleansed from sin. When we come to the Lord Jesus Christ for sal­ vation, we are made “whiter than snow.” How our hearts should praise God for the cleansing which we have through the cross of Christ. The woman in our lesson today was so thankful for the forgiveness of her sins that she brought an alabaster box of precious ointment for the Lord. We can bring our lives and lay them at the feet of the Lord. Feb. 10, 1952 Tw o D ecisions — Tw o D estinies Objects: Two magnets, six matches, and a piece of stiff paper about two feet square. (Paint one magnet white and the other black. Soak the matches in water and insert a pin in the head of each. At the lower left-hand comer of the paper, draw two parallel lines, about three inches apart, slanting to­ ward the upper right-hand .corner. Write the word “ LIFE” between these lines. At about the middle of the paper, draw a narrow gate leading upward, and a wide gate leading downward. Draw the outline of a city at the top, marking it “ HEAVEN.” At the lower right-hand corner, draw flames, and write “HELL.” Place a small red cross at the narrow gate, and a map of the world in the wide gate.) Lesson: Did you know that every one is traveling the pathway of “ LIFE” ? These matches remind us of people. They are on the pathway of “ LIFE.” (Place the black magnet behind the paper, and pull four of the matches to the two gates.) People come to the place where they realize that they must accept Christ or the world. Satan seeks to influence them to take the way of the world, which is the broad way leading to destruction.

Feb. 3, 1952 C onfessing C auses C leansing

Objects: Three half-pint jars, black ink, a small amount of gasoline strongly colored with lampblack ground in oil, and a half pint of gasoline strongly colored with bulletin-red ground in oil. (Paint the outline of a heart on two of the jars. Pill one of them two-thirds full of gasoline, and the other with the same amount of water. Paint the third jar solid gray, with the exception of an opening the shape of a cross in front, and an opening in the back to allow the light to shine through. This jar is filled with red gasoline. The lampblack and bulletin-red can be secured in tubes at a paint store.) Lesson: These jars are very much like people. While the hearts are clear, they do not remain so for long. (Put two or three drops of black gasoline into the jar of gasoline, and several drops of ink into the jar of water.) One is a little darker than the other, but they both remind us of hearts in which there is sin.

“All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” But all do not have the same attitude toward this jar with the red cross. This jar reminds us of Christ, of the cross of Calvary, and of the blood which He shed in order that the heart might be cleansed. I pour the red fluid into this jar; the heart is stirred, but it is not cleansed. (The water forces the gasoline to the top, above the outline of the heart.) Many people are like this jar. When they hear about Christ and His death for them, they are stirred, but they do not accept Him and allow His blood to cleanse from sin. This other jar is different. It receives the red fluid. As you now look at the heart, you do not see the black. It is this way when God looks at our hearts after we have accepted Christ—He sees only the blood of Christ. It is only by the blood of Christ that J A N U A i r , 1 9 5 2

Q purchase □ rental □ offering [ ] send catalog C. O. Baptista Films Dept. 5

These four matches reject Christ and go on in the broad way. The way gets blacker and blacker, but they are pulled downward by an unseen power. The

Sunnyside Wheaton, Illinois

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