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opposition to the idea of a 15-minute city. During a Facebook live event from somewhere in Florida, Daniel Piché, a real FTUBUFBHFOUJO&NCSVO MJTUFEUIFOBNFT and contact information for MP Francis Drouin, MPP Stéphane Sarazin and Premier Doug Ford, including their office addresses. The video has garnered nearly 1000 views since it was posted on February 11. Commenters during the livestream also provided phone numbers and email addresses for the mayors of Casselman, Alfred-Plantagenet Township, Champlain 5PXOTIJQ )BXLFTCVSZBOE&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ Township. Other comments in the chat spoke of politicians receiving brown envelopes, joked about COVID-19 vaccines causing unexpec- ted deaths and even the coming of a civil war. Claiming to have spoken directly with 3VTTFMM 5PXOTIJQ .BZPS 1JFSSF -FSPVY  Piché claimed Leroux had informed him the township would look into it should it become more serious. “I hope something will happen so he will stand up and face the music,” said Piché. In an email to Édition André Paquette, Mayor Leroux said he received a call and an email from a resident, and reiterated that 3VTTFMM5PXOTIJQOFWFSQBSUJDJQBUFEJOUIF Smart Cities Challenge. 0UIFSNBZPSTXJUIJOUIF6$13IBWFBMTP received correspondence from residents, but wish not to comment on those interactions for the time being. Zanth said he wishes people would realize how much it spreading these conspiracies DPTUTUIFUBYQBZFS3FHBSEMFTTPGIPXGFX or many comments they receive, when comments like these come in municipal employees have to stop whatever they are working on to put out the fire, the mayor said. “That’s why it’s dangerous to just make these claims completely unfounded on anything,” he said.

For many living in the city, a 15-minute walk to access groceries, health care, education and social occasions would be a dream come true. For others, it reflects a global elitist plot to control the population through communist-style camps. First introduced by French urbanist Car- los Moreno at the global climate change conference COP21 in 2015, the idea of a 15-minute city, also known as a “pocket city”, has resurfaced as municipalities across Canada and around the world are looking to reduce road traffic, encourage walking, biking and public transit and ultimately reduce a municipality’s carbon footprint. Conspiracy theorists all over have taken the idea in a different direction. Making the rounds on social media and getting a boost from influential voices, including Canadian psychologist and popular conservative contrarian Jordan Peterson, conspiracists are TVHHFTUJOHUIF6OJUFE/BUJPOTBOEUIF8PSME &DPOPNJD'PSVNBSFQVTIJOHGPSBUZSBOOJDBM reordering of society into easily repressible communes. The theory is closely linked to those in the ‘Freedom Convoy’ movement who believe public health measures like vaccines and lockdowns were means of government control. The plan to create a more walkable city JO&ENPOUPOXBTNFUXJUIQSPUFTUT BOEB United Kingdom town also faced pushback for its efforts to restrict vehicle traffic. /PX$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEJTGBDJOHTJNJMBS questions from some residents. It started with a tweet Over the last few weeks, Mayor Mario Zanth and city officials received calls, emails and mentions in Facebook posts admonishing the municipality for trying to implement the 15-minute city program. “At first I was confused because the email didn’t give any context and I hadn’t heard of [the conspiracy],” Zanth said. The outreach started after a tweet from Olympic gold medalist ice skater Jaime Salé, who has joined the ranks of those pushing anti-vaccination conspiracy theories, calling vaccines “medical rape” and masks for children “child abuse”. In the January 31 tweet, Salé claimed to provide a link to “an official government website listing all the participating cities JO $BOBEB GPS UIF 8&'6/ NJOVUF communities.” The link led to the Infrastructure Canada Smart Cities Challenge initiative. The chal- lenge, which started in 2017 and announced winners in 2019, called for applications for federal funding to support innovative technological approaches to improving a city’s environmental quality, economic

Le maire de la ville de Clarence-Rockland, Mario Zanth, a un problème inattendu. Un tweet de l’ancien médaillé d’or olympique et actuel théoricien du complot Jaime Salé a provoqué un maelström d’appels et de courriels adressés à la ville pour s’enquérir de l’intention de la municipalité de participer à une initiative d’urbanisme qui, selon les conspirationnistes, vise à contrôler les masses. Le problème est qu’aucun plan de ce type n’est prévu pour la ville et que le maire Zanth est maintenant occupé à essayer d’expliquer la situation de désinformation au public.- photo Joseph Coppolino

opportunities, health, recreation and mobility. $MBSFODF3PDLMBOEJTMJTUFEBTPOFPGUIF cities that sought to take part in the initia- tive, having applied under former Mayor Guy Desjardins in 2016, but wasn’t chosen to receive funding. However, the city’s inclusion on the list was ‘proof’ the small municipality wanted to control its residents’ movements. Zanth reiterates that the municipality has no intention of restricting residents, or taking part in a 15-minute city initiative. The mayor FYQSFTTFETPNFSFMJFGBU$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE having not been chosen to participate in the

Smart Cities Challenge given the extensive data-sharing requirements for that project. “There is no truth to the claims,” said Zanth. “There is no mention of 15-minute city in the city’s Official Plan, and that’s where everyone should go to know exactly what the city is working on.” An issue for all in the UCPR 0OFSFTJEFOUJO&NCSVO XIPIBTBNBTTFE a significant following on Facebook, called on his supporters to reach out to all levels of government officials for the United Counties PG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM 6$13 BOEFYQSFTTUIFJS



Alfred-Plantagenet Township firefighters will have more resources available to help them prepare for special situations thanks to a donation from Enbridge Gas Ltd. The company is providing donations to a number of local and regional fire depart- ments this year from its Safe Community 1SPKFDU"TTJTUBODFQSPHSBN&OCSJEHF(BT SFQSFTFOUBUJWF3JDL(B[EBQSFTFOUFE.BZPS Yves Laviolette and Deputy Fire Chief Sté- phane Barbarie with a cheque for $5000 from the program.

Rick Gazda, d’Enbridge Gas Ltd. (au centre) a remis au maire du canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet, Yves Laviolette, et aux membres du service d’incendie municipal, un don de 5 000 $ provenant du fonds Safe Community Project de l’entreprise. L’argent servira à l’achat de manuels de formation et d’autres ressources. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


“Definitely any money helps,” said Mayor Laviolette. i8F BSF IBQQZ UP HFU UIJT HFOFSPVT donation,” said Deputy Fire Chief Barbarie. The Safe Community Project Assistance program provides money to community fire departments to help supplement their training program needs for new and veteran

firefighters. The money that Alfred-Plantage- net Township Fire Department received will go towards the purchase of training manuals to help its members better prepare for both usual and unusual situations they may encounter during a call-out. The money will also help cover the costs for other training resources for the department.

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