King's Business - 1920-12



However we may fail regarding temples of stone, we must not fail with the liv­ ing temples. We must no longer per­ mit the lure of silver and. gold in any- form, whether as bribing us with com­ fort to ignore the awful economic need of the mass of the. people, or as deceiv­ ing us in our reforming zeal as to its own redeeming efficacy, to tempt us from our true function which is to be personal vehicles of God’s re-creative Grace, through the intensity and reality of our love for Him and for Humanity. The Beautiful Gate guards the en­ trance to the Temple of the God of Love, and only by real loving therefore can we hope to bring any therein or to enter in ourselves. “What I have give I unto thee.” “Give for alms the things that are within.” Don’t abuse people for not liking you; perhaps you like yourself too well. Success in life is measured by its se­ cret fidelities and not’ by its popular triumphs. É& M NORTHWESTERN BIBLE SCHOOL The Northwestern Bible School, of which Dr. W. B. Riley is superintend­ ent, has just purchased, one of the finest properties in Minneapolis for its new home. Dr. Riley has for several years been raising money for the erection of a large building, but recently an oppor­ tunity was presented to purchase a group of fine apartment buildings facing Loring Park, and it was decided to abandon the original plan. The build­ ings, if erected now would cost not less than $250,000, but it is understood that Dr. Riley was able to purchase them at a very reasonable figure. Forty thou­ sand dollars is needed to make a first payment. We commend Dr. JRiley and his Bible Institute to all our readers. We are glad to see Bible Institutes of this character forging ahead. Let’s all boost.

EUROPEAN UNREST The Biblical Review says: The situ­ ation in Europe in 1920 is causing even more uneasiness in the world than did conditions in the summer of 1914, when the war broke out. Then men had not fully comprehended the magnitude of the disaster that was upon them. To­ day the malign forces at work, in cen­ tral and eastern Europe more especially, inspire a sense of hopelessness regard­ ing the state of affairs for years to come. The gravity of the situation seems to be having a beneficial effect upon the life of devout Christians, as they are driven more and more to fix their hopes upon something more cer­ tain than military resources or the con­ ten tion s of nations. They also appreci­ ate more deeply the need of Christian­ ity on the part of the world. Bishop John L. Nuelson touches upon these facts in an article in The Christian Work, where he says: “We are facing today in Europe a sit­ uation so complicated, so chaotic, so full of uncertainties, so menacing to the peace of the whole world that it re­ quires the combined strength and wis­ dom and grace and heroic service of Christianity to cope with it. The chal­ lenge to the Christian forces is now even more insistent than the call to pa­ triotic service was a short time ago. Europe is not at peace today. The war is really not over. It is being carried on with other means. Every one of the European nations, the newly created ones and the old ones, the large and the small, are armed. Why? Because they are filled with suspicion against their neighbors. Europe cannot work out its own salvation. Europe is bankrupt, financially, and to a great extent, mor­ ally. Europe cannot, after its total ex­ haustion, aher its utter collapse; ac­ complish the hard work of digging down to rock bottom and rearing the edifice of a new civilization.”

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