King's Business - 1920-12

BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

FOREVER Ay HOME Our “Mother” Horton is “safe in the arms of Jesus.” The news of her homegoing comes to ns just as we are about to go to press and a more ex­ tended notice will await our next issue. Mrs. Horton was actively engaged in her work as superintendent of the Bi­ ble Women of the Institute, until the last hour of her sojourn here. Death came to her almost without warning at 6:15, Sunday evening, October 10. A great host of friends, many of whom she led to the Savior, or whose hearts she had in some way gladdened, were stun­ ned by the news, and who of them will not pray that her mantle might fall up­ on them? As it was said of Dorcas, it will be said of her, “She was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.” Precious, oh how precious, is that blessed sleep, None but Jesus giveth rest so true and sweet. Gained His sweet approval and His wel­ come smile, For the patient labor of this little while. DR. TORREY’S TRAVERS . Dr. Torrey, who- expects soon to ar­ rive at the Institute to take up his fall classes, writes concerning his summer’s work: “We have had a wonderful sum­ mer. It has be'en very strenuous for me. As soon as I was through at Montrose, Pa., I went to Alabama; wds in camp meeting three days in Marenge County, speaking three times a day. Then immediately after, fifteen days in Birmingham, Ala., speaking three times a day, Bible conference morning and af­ ternoon and evangelistic meetings at night. From. 28 to 30th shall be three days in Tremont Temple, Boston, speak­ ing three times a day. October 3 to 17 at Memphis, Terra., and from 20 to 26th at Denver, Colo.,’ and then back to Los Angeles.” ¿eg S&» DR. OLIVER’S WORK Dr. French Oliver preached to large crowds in the Bible Institute Auditor­ ium during the months of July and

September. At this writing he is con­ ducting meetings in Vancouver. From thence he will go to Phoenix, Ariz., then to Chicago, then to New York. After the first of the year he will be open to engagements for evangelistic and Bible conference Work. Arrangements to get Dr. Oliver may be made with the Super­ intendent of the Bible Institute. NICHOLSON IN IRELAND Wm. P. Nicholson has been having a great Mission in Bangor, Ireland. This will be concluded October 24th and he will then go to Glasgow, Scotland, for a city-wide campaign lasting several months. Pray much for this work, for Mr. Nicholson will have great odds to face. NEW SUPERINTENDENT OF MEN The Rev, John A. Hubbard, who has ju st ac­ cepted the invitation of the Bible In stitu te to become the Superintendent of Men, is, like so many other members of the Faculty, a former student of Dr. Torrey’s. As a, young business man m Chicago, Mr. Hubbard felt called of God to devote his life to definite -Christian work. In order to get the necessary training, he resigned his Position with Lyon & Healy, the famous musical firm, and entered the Bible In stitu te in that city, now the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. A fter completing his training in the Institute, he took further studies at Mr. Moody's School at Mount Hermon, Mass. He then en­ tered into evangelistic work for some' years, from which he was called to the pastorate of the first Congregational Church of Dallas, Texas, the church of which Dr. C. I. Scofield was formerly the pastor. A fter some years th at were fruitful m the m inistry, the Bible Training School at ioccoa, Ga., invited him to become principal. The opportunity for reaching and molding the lives of a large company o f young people ap­ pealed to Mr. H ubbard and for three years he 1 charge of the work. A disastrous fire which completely destroyed the buildings and" left teachers and pupils with practically nothing but the clothes they stood in, closed this field of activity. During thé last five years, Mr. Hubbard was connected with the Berry School at Rome, Ga., where in addition to his school activities, he was pastor of the interdenominational church Mr. Hubbard has been peculiarly fitted through all these experiences for the task of directing the practical work of the young men in the Institute as well as being their “house father.” - Rev. J. c. Stillion, his predecèssor has taken up Bible Conference work and his schedule for 1921 is practically completed. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Osborn, ’20, sailed Sept. 22 for Honolulu. They will take charge of

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