King's Business - 1920-12

THE K I N G ’ S' BUS I NESS in nine hands, six bands in Hunan, two in Kiangsi, and one in Kwangsi. Oh! do pray for us, daily if possible, and for these 117 men, including the nine lead-, ers, who are out in all kinds of weather, often coming in at night wet from head to foot, telling heathen men and women about Jesus, mighty to save. I do wish that you could see the letters that have come in during the past two weeks pleading for evangelistic hands for fields that seem just ripe for the harvest. A few days ago I replied to one missionary promising him a band for his very large and important field to begin work, if pur Lord tarries so long, on October first, nineteen twenty-two. That is the best we can possibly do. Work is already laid out for all our bands up to that date, and for some of them way beyond that date. Lo, He Parts With Idols Before closing I must give you one more practical illustration of God’s gracious blessing on the work, just one of many that I had hoped to write about. In the field where Band No. 2 has been working there is a famliy by the name of Lo. Mr. Lo is a prominent man in the village, we might call him the chair­ man of the “Village Fathers.” The Chi­ nese name of his official position in the village, literally translated is “Protec­ tor,” and it really means that to the peo­ ple over whom he presides rather than rules. Mr. T’ien writes of him: “The faith of Mr. Lo and his wife is wonder­ ful, they have been coming together to our evening preaching services, not missing an evening, and they always kneel with us in prayer. A few days ago they invited us to their home where they took down and destroyed all their idols and put up one of the Gospel post­ ers in the place of honor in their guest hall, and they testified that with all their hearts they were trusting in Je­ sus as their Saviour. They have a lit­ tle daughter of thirteen years of age who is most enthusiastic for the Gos­ pel. After her parents had destroyed their idols her little playmates began to laugh at her and ridicule her, but she was not afraid, her heart seemed more full of joy than before. She has been going about the village from house to house testifying to her faith in Jesus,» and seeking to persuade the people to give up idolatry. Her interest in the people of her village is manifestly so intelligent and so sincere that the peo­ ple call her “Little Protector.”

1136 all smudged? You would say he was very foolish, but that is exactly what you are doing to your body.” The man thought earnestly for a few moments and then replied: “You are right, it is a dirty habit, and though I have smoked for tens of years, ever since my boy­ hood, Xshall give it up at once,” And give it up he did, and so demonstrated beyond controversy that though born and reared in heathenism, after nearly sixty years of darkness, sin and bond­ age, he had found a Power that could enable him to “cleanse himself from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (II Cor. 7:1.) Is it not a glad thought that it was one of our Bible Institute students who went to this aged man and told him of this wonderful Power to save to the uttermost? j The instant, complete and permanent victory granted to this man just out of heathenism made a great impression on Mr. Kang. It is not possible to describe on paper his enthusiasm over it. Truly his summer’s work has given him a new vision of the glorious Gospel he has been called to preach. What Is Being Done Dear friends, does the. story of our student Mr. Kang and his vacation ex­ perience help you to grasp the tremend­ ous significance of the figures at the be­ ginning of this letter? 187,247 heathen homes visited by our evangelists and students during the past-year, October 1, 1919 to July 15, 1920, the student work continuing to August 15. Of these homes, 173,532 were visited by the evangelists of our six bands, 10,083 by our students during the school year, and 3632 by our junior students during their summer vacation, making the grand total of 187,247 homes, and in many hundreds of these homes just as blessed and wonderful work has been done as in, the case of Mr. Kang’s friend described above. During the past year we have had eighty men at work in six bands. We have been planning to have eight bands at work during the coming year, but a few days ago a letter came to hand from a dear friend in America, who is already supporting three of the hands, asking about the possibility of an additional hand if funds are available. We confi­ dently expect to start this additional band and are going ahead in faith with our arrangements for it, so, God willing, from the first of October, nineteen twenty, there will be 117 men at work

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