King's Business - 1920-12



With warm regards, Your fellow-servant of Christ, FRANK A. KELLER. Changsha, Hunan, China, August 21, 1920. m m, BIBLE CONFERENCE WORK Dr. Dixon’s Ministry The first three months of 1920, Dr. A- C. Dixon, who is now associated with the B. I. O. L. A. as special lecturer, joined with Dr. W. B. Riley and others

before the court of Scripture, fact and reason, a request came for jhim to lec­ ture befóse the student body in the Uni­ versity chapel on “Evolution and the Bible.” About five hundred students and several members of the faculty at­ tended the lecture and listened with close attention, while'for an hour he showed the unscientific absurdities and the perils to the individual, the home, the church, the nation and the world, which come with the substitution of this pagan teaching that man came up from the beast for the Biblical teaching that he came down from God. The enthus­ iasm with which the students came up after the lecture with their words of appreciation showed that they were thoroughly sympathetic. Greensboro, N. C. , In Greensboro, North Carolina, Dr. Dixon preached the Baccalaureate ser­ mon of the Methodist Woman’s College in the First Methodist Church, and continued preaching twice a day for two weeks in the First Baptist Church. All denominations attended the meet­ ings and there was a genuine révival. Toronto, Can. Dr. Dixon spent a week in June with Dr. T. T. Shields in Toronto, Canada, preaching two Sundays and on the days between, giving his series of lectures on “World Movements in the Light of the Bible.” Dr. Shields has fought a brave fight and won a glorious victory for truth. “The Canadian Baptist,” in an editorial, came out on the side of the destructive higher criticism, and Dr. Shields went before the Canadian Bap­ tist Association with a resolution of pro­ test. After a warm and vigorous dis­ cussion the Association voted to. sustain the protest, only ten delegates voting in the negative. This is an index to the at­ titude of our church members toward the men in our colleges and editorial chairs who are discrediting the Bible and denying the Fundamentals of Chris­ tianity. It is only necessary to bring the facts before them and let- them see that the men whom they have put in po­ sitions'for defending the faith are real­ ly destroying it, and they will utter their protest in very practical ways. The rank and file of our churches are loyal to Christ and the Bible. Montrose, Pa. Dr. Dixon spent a month at Montrose, Pennsylvania, lecturing with Dr. Tor- rey, Dr. Atkinson and others in the Ministerial Institute and Bible Confer­ ence. About a hundred pastors and mis-

in a series of con­ ferences on the fun­ damentals of Chris­ tianity, extending from Toronto, Can­ ada, to Lakeland, Florida. The first two weeks of April he was in the Cita­ del Square Baptist Church of Charles­ ton, South Caro- 1i n a. . Congrega­ tions taxed the ca­

pacity of the church, and at every serv­ ice, except one or two, there were to­ kens of God’s presence in the return of backsliders and the conversion of sin­ ners. Lexington, Ky. In Lexington, Kentucky, Dr. Dixon spent ten days in the First Baptist Church, though all denominations united in the meeting. Lexington, Kentucky, is a college town and a horse racing center. The annual races were on dur­ ing the meeting, and the town was full of sporty people, some of whom were reached. The work among the young- people in the Sunday School was espe­ cially gracious, and at almost every service there were confessions of faith in Christ. His sermon on “The Menace of Evolution,” so impressed the editor of a daily paper, who was present, that he wrote an editorial in sympathy with it, and the impression upon the public, especially the college men, was so great that a university professor felt that he must come to the rescue of his pagan theology. The discussion put the peo­ ple to thinking, and, when they do that, Darwinism always suffers. Athens, Ga. In Athens, Georgia, the students of the University of Georgia’attended his meetings in large numbers and, after hearing his arraignment Of Darwinism

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