King's Business - 1920-12



for us does not imply, as it may seem, that we lose either our consciousness or our individuality. For in His praying through us, He quickens and uses our individual powers of will, intellect and affection. His action is just as natural as if it had all originated with and was carried on by ourselves, but He is the prayer, for we have yielded ourselves to Him by an act of the will in definite faith for His working. As the heavy prison bolts turned on the minister he looked sadly on- the prisoners in their strange garments and thought more and more anxiously of his errand. He had come to see a young man .of his congregation convicted of forgery. The heart-broken parents had begged him to visit the prison hoping the peace of the.Gospel might reach even his gloomy cell. As the minister kindly greeted him, the youth scarcely replied but gazed with a sort of de­ fiance. He began giving the mother’s tender message, with the interest all the church felt in his welfare. At last the prisoner broke out, “Do you know- you did it?” “What have I done?” re­ plied the pastor, striving to understand his strange language. ^ “I began the business,” returned the youth, speaking very loud,, “in your Sunday School. Don’t you remember the Sunday School fair, when they first set up raffling, and hid a gold ring in a loaf of cake? Just for twenty-five cents, too, I got a whqle box of little books. I was pleased with my luck, and went in afterward for chances. Some­ times I gained and sometimes I lost. Monej^ Xmust have for lotteries. I was half mad with excitement; so I used other folks’ names and here I am. Don’t let the church dome pitying around me. They may thank themselves 1 Their raffling was what did it! It ruined me!” % * THE FATAL BAFFLE

.............H osea (790-725 B. C.) Joel....... ...— .....Joel (E ith er 860-850 B. C. or 400-380 B. C.) .............Amos (870-783 B. C.) Obad..... .............Obadiah (900-880 B. !C.) Jonah.................Jo n ah (825-790 B. C.) M icah................M icah (758-710 B. C.) Nahum..............N ahum (A bout 660 B. C.) H ab.................... H abakkuk (608-590 B. C.) Zeph...................Zephaniah (639-609 B. C.) H ag------ ---------H aggai (A bout 520 B. C.) Zech-------------- Zechariah (520 B. C.) M ai.....................M alachi (440-410 B. C.) New T estam ent M att........—.¿.......Matthew (A. D. 37) Mark.........__.....Mark (called John) (A. D. 57- 63) Luke— ...........Luke (A. D. 63-68) John...................Jo h n (the A postle) (A. D. 85- 90) A cts______ ....;..Luke (A. D. 65) Rom........... .......Paul (A bout A. D. 60) t Cor.................Paul (A. D. 59) II. Cor................ .P a u l (A. D. 00 ) Gal_____________Paul (A. D. 60) Eph_______ S — Paul (A. D. 64) Phil......— -------Paul (A bout A. D. 64) Col.......:—.........Paul (A bout A. D. 64) I. Thess...._____ Paul (A. D. 54) II. Thess.*._____Paul (A. D. 54) I. Tim ........*.— Paul (A bout A. D. 63)' II. Tim .......Paul (A bout A. D. 64) Titus..... — ...Paul (A bout A. D. 63) Phile_________Paul (A. D. 64) Heb.....................Probably Paul (A bout A. D. 65) Jam es...— Jam es (A. D. 60) I. P e t..................Peter (A. D. 60) II. P e t...............P eter (A. D. 66 ) I. Jo h n—.....— A postle John (A. D. 90) “ The S p irit H im self m aketh intercession for us . . (Rom. 8:26 R .V .)/ The highest ideal of prayer is to have the Holy Spirit pray through us. He is in us to inspire our desires and long­ ings, to quicken our minds and hearts, and giving us prayers, to pray them through us. A great deal has been said at the present day about “praying through”; and when it means to pray until we believe God, it is a most help­ ful and scriptural suggestion. How­ ever, if we approach this subject of prayer from the Divine standpoint it may be truly said that all effectual prayer is only that which the Holy Spirit prays through us. His making intercession in us and II. John..:...!__ John (A. D. 90) III. John------- John (A. D. 90) Jude...............----Jude (A. D. 66 ) PRAYING THROUGH

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