THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS garden last summer. How many of you like to have weeds in your garden? No, none of us like weeds, and we must al ways pull them up or dig them out be fore they go to seed, for the seed drops on the ground and grows and makes more weeds. Charles, if I wish to raise wheat, or corn, or grow some pretty flowers, what kind of seed will I have to plant? Then just the kind of seed we Sow is the kind that will grow. Then we want to be sure and plant good seed, don’t.we? Prayer. Lesson Story: One day when Jesus walked along the seashore, great crowds of people gathered about Him, so He got into a boat and sat down to teach them, and^the people stood on the shore. Je sus spoke a parable to the people. A parable is a story which has a meaning to it, and which helps us to understand and remember something we are learn ing.' Jesus told a story about a man who sowed some wheat in his field. While the servants who planted the wheat for the man were asleep an enemy came and sowed tares, or weeds, among the wheat, and then went away so that the servants knew nothing about it. One day these servants went out to see how the wheat was growing, and they saw the tares growing among the wheat. The servants came right back and told the man who owned the field about the tarts, and asked him if it was good seed he gave them to sow in the field. When the man said it was good seed, the servants asked him how the tares came to be growing in with the wheat? The man said, an enemy had sowed the tares. ' Then'the servants wanted to go and pull the tares up, but the man said no, that as they pulled up the tares, they would root up the wheat also with the tares. He told them to let them both grow together until the harvest, and then he would separate the tares from the wheat, and bind them in bun dles to burn them. But the wheat he would gather into his barn. Now listen,
other corruptions originating with women: Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventism, Spiritism, Theosophy, etc.— Gaebelein. If the woman is doing good, all ethics of other Scriptures are being reversed, for to Christ the Man, never to woman, symbolically or actually, be longs the source and power of salva tion.—Needham. Three measures of meal. The meal offering speaks in Scrip ture of Christ as the food of His peo ple of which they partook in commun ing with God. The woman is doing what the Word of God prohibits. She is putting leaven (Lev. 2:11) into the meal.—Grant. Nothing evil is written anywhere of fneal, It is wholesome and life-giving until corrupted with mix tures. Can that which is sour make sweet that which is already sweet?— Needham. The whole was leavened. Jesus clearly teaches that the world will not he converted in this age. The apos tles teach the same thing. The parable shows a Christendom corrupted, and it is in a condition with which the Lord Himself with the angels will take des perate measures.—Eliot. Jesus’ story about good seeds and bad seeds. Matt. 13*24-80. Memory Verse: “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Gal. 6:7. Approach: Boys and girls, did you ever see any wheat growing? It looks ■very beautiful as it bends hack and forth in the breez6, and then when the kernels of wheat be- BEGINNERS gin to form it heads AND PRIMARY up, and as the wheat Mabel L. Merrill begins to ripen it turns a golden color. I brought some seed of wheat so you could see what it looks like, for you know most of us eat some wheat every day, and I wonder if any of you can tell me what we make out of wheat? James says we make bread and that is right. The grains of wheat are ground up into flour, and then we can make bread out of the flour. Here is another kind of seed which you can see on this plant I hold in my hand. Clara says it is a weed for she had some like it in her
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