thorns, which means you care more for your play and good times and stay away from Sunday School. I hope you all have hearts with good soil, which means you will listen to God’s words and do just what they tell you to do all the time. Now, boys and girls, you know we can tell just what kind of soil your hearts are by. the way you act, because if it is good soil the good seed which is the true stories we have each Sunday from the Bible will grow and bear fruit, and you will grow, more and more like Jesus every day. You will love to come to Sunday School, and will help all you can to make it the best Sunday School possible. Let us be like our memory verse tells us. (Teach memory verse. Use only first half for tiny tots). Closing Prayer: Dear Jesus, forgive our sins so our hearts will be good soil, so thy word will bear much fruit in our lives.
hear what He said, hut afterwards they went away and thought more of their houses, and riches, and their pleasures, than they did of the things Jesus had taught them. This was the seed that fell among the thorns and weeds, which grew up and choked it. But there were some who listened to all that He taught, and remembered it in their hearts, and tried every day to do as He told them. This was the good seed that took root and grew, and bore a hundred times as much as the farmer planted. Now, chil dren, can you guess what I am think ing as we have been listening to these wonderful words of Jesus? I have been wondering what kind of soil or ground is in your hearts. Do you suppose any of you are like the hard path that would not take the seed in and the birds came and ate it?•' Or like the stony ground, when things do not go to please you, do not obey God’s word? Or like the seed that fell among the
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DECEMBER 19, 1920 JESUS FEEDS THE MULTITUDES Golden Text: “They have no need to go away; give ye them to eat/’ Mat. 14:16. LESSON TEXT Mat. 14:13-23. (Read Mat. 14; Jno. 17:20-26.)
on th e grass, and took th e five loaves, and the tw o fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples and the dis ciples to th e m ultitude. (20) A nd they did all eat, and w ere filled: and they took up of th e fragm ents th a t rem ained twelve bask ets full. (21) A nd they th a t had eaten w ere about five thousand m en, be side women and children. (22) And straig h tw ay Jesu s constrained his dis ciples to get into a ship, and to go before him u n to ‘ th e o th er side, while he sen t the m ultitudes away. (23) And w hen he had sen t the m u ltitu d es away, he w ent up in to a m ountain ap art io p ray : and w hen the evening was come, he; was th ere alone. vs. 15-19. (3) Mindful of the Fragments, vs. 20, 21 . (4) Mountain Ministry, vs. 22,23.
(13) W hen Jesu s heard of it, he de p arted thence by ship into, a desert place a p a rt; and w hen the people | had heard thereof, they followed him on foot ou t of th e cities. (14) A nd Jesuis w ent forth, and saw a g reat m ultitude, and was m oved w ith com passion tow ard them , and he healed th eir sick. 1 (15) A nd w hen it w as evening, his disciples cam e to him , saying, T his is a d esert place, and the tim e is now p a st; send th e m ultitude aw ay, th a t they m ay go^ into th e villages, and buy them selves victuals. (16) B ut Jesu s said unto them , They need not dep art; give ye them to eat. (17) And they said unto him , W e have here b u t five loaves, and tw o fishes. (18) R e said, B ^ing them h ith e r to me. (19) And he comm anded th e m ultitude to sit down Outline: (1) Ministering to the Multitude, vs. 13,14. (2) Multiplying the Bread and Fishes,
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