King's Business - 1920-12

1171 But the cause of Christ must be sup­ ported. Never was the need greater for financial backing in every depart­ ment of God’s work than at this pres­ ent hour in this present evil age. The need will never be met by “stomach money.” The need, however, will be met. God will lay it upon the hearts of his dear children. The need will be met by heart-money. CLIFTON L. FOWLER. TODAY’S BURDENS Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Matt. 6:25. It- has been well said that no man ever sank under the burden of today. It is when tomorrow’s burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can hear. Never load yourselves so, my friends. If you find yourselves so loaded, at least re­ member this: it is your own doing, not God’s. He begs you to leave the future to Him, and mind the present. G. MacDONALD. m n STICK TO IT! The soul of perseverance cannot be beaten. Imprison it, and you get “Pil­ grim’s Progress” (John Bunyan). Blind it, and you got “Paradise Lost” (John Milton). Deafen it, and you get a wizard in electricity (Thomas Edi­ son). Put it into a log cabin, and it will work its way to the White House (Abraham Lincoln). Commit it to the frozen seas of the Arctic regions, and it finds the North Pole (Admiral Peary). Return its manuscripts threescore and twenty times, and you get a poet for the nation’s homes (James Whitcomb Ri­ ley). Ah, yes! the soul of perseverance presses onward, sometimes with a ray of hope, but more often without.

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS the sick, which was feeding their hungry souls and hearts, and then fed the hungry bodies, so He wants us to help in all the ways we can, for we have learned that all we have, God has given to us. Suppose the little hoy with the lunch had not been willing to give it to Jesus, but kept it, for himself. Do you think he would have been a very happy little boy? When we share what we have we are more happy than if we keep it all for ourselves. Closing Prayer: Our dear heavenly Father, we thank Thee for all Thou hast given to us, and help us to be willing to help others who need our help. pullings, ice cream socials, and suppers have become the props upon which the churches lean to get money with which to conduct the work of the Lord. Over and over again it is said, “Why we sim­ ply couldn’t raise the money for our church if we didn’t have suppers!” In other words, the Lord’s work would go by the board if it were not for stomach money. Thank God, that is not true. When the people of God look to Him in faith and repudiate every worldly and satanic method with which they may he tempted to support the work and de­ terminedly say, “We will give, give, give,—did you hear it? give, not buy— as the Lord hath prospered us,” then and then only is His cause on a scrip­ tural financial basis. When believers lean on stomach money they make a burlesque of their own faith, they humiliate God’s cause before an already skeptical world, de­ part from the teachings of the Bible, and strip the message of salvation of its glory and power. STOMACH MONEY Upon passing a church building a short time ago, a friend said, “There is a church which is supported by stom­ ach money.” Oyster stews, candy

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