King's Business - 1920-12

BOOKS Biola Book Room THE REAL CHRIST The Doran Co. have just issued a new book by Dr. Torrey, being a series of sermons recently preached in Los Angeles. With rare spiritual discern­ ment and a deep intuitive appreciation of the character of the Master, Dr. Tor­ rey has drawn a series of masterly and unforgettable portraits of the man Je­ sus Christ. Dr. Torrey says in his in­ troduction: “For years it has been on my heart to write a book on the Christ of -actual historic fact as distinguished from the Christ of man’s dreams and fancies and imaginings. A perfect por­ trayal of the ‘Real Christ’ is found in God’s own word. Over that marvelous picture I have pored for many days and weeks and years. I prayed and a Higher Authority said, ‘Preach on the Real Christ,’ and I did. Time and again as I. have spoken to the people I have seen the Lord, and a strange glad awe has fallen upon speaker and hearers alike. May God bless the reading Of these studies as He has the preaching and hearing of them.” (Price $1.75). ■Sfc a» PURPOSE IN PRATER Although known to American audi­ ences as a preacher of rare spirituality, it was left to the British public to dis­ cover in the printed page the remarka- able charm of Mr. Bounds’ essays. Ed­ ward M. Bounds understood prayer be­ cause he practiced it, and gave it para­ mount place in his daily life. In this book he pleads with passionate earnest­ ness for the enthronement of prayer in the heart and life of the Christian be­ liever. Purpose in Prayer is a notable addition to the literature of the “Inner CAN THE DEAD COMMUNICATE? Dr. I. M. Haldeman rings out a warn­ ing against Spiritism in his brilliant and fascinating style. The chapter devoted to Saul’s visit to the Witch of Endor is very extraordinary. The review of Sir

GOOD Order Books From GOSPER SOLOS AND DUETS The presses of the Bible Institute have just turned out a new hook that will he welcomed by all Gospel singers, whether in evangelistic or church work. Her­ bert G. Tovey and Keith L. Brooks, the compilers of the collection of Gospel solos and duets, are connected with the Institute faculty, and have spared no expense to select only material contain­ ing real heart messages—-songs of con­ viction and devotion. Ninety-seven so­ los are given, many published for the first time. Among the contributors are Charles H. Marsh, Fred A. Mills, Charles H. Gabriel, J. B. Trowbridge, B. D. Ackley, D. B. Towner, Harry D. Loes, Haldor Lillenas and many others. A number of recent songs by .Mr. Tovey and Mr. Brooks are published for the first time. A wide range of topics have been se­ lected so as to make the. book of spe­ cial value to regular singers. Special attention has been given to invitation songs, funeral messages, children’s meetings, men’s meetings, soul winning. The book contains not only an alpha­ betical index but an exhaustive topical index. The compilers have also been thoughtful of the singer in leaving twelve blank pages at the back of the book for inserting additional songs. The book is finely printed from new plates on heavy paper and bound in heavy board, and sewed so as to allow the pages to open flat at any section of the book. The book sells for $1 per copy, the price charged for a blank book of the same size, usually sold to sing­ ers for pasting in their own songs. Or­ ders may be sent to the Biola Book Room or direct to Tovey and Brooks. m a s

Chamber.” (Price $1.50). THE ENCHANTED GARDEN Dr. Alexander R. Gordon has given us a new book telling the stories of Genesis in a delightful way for children. This is a book that will be especially welcomed by the parent, teacher and minister, looking for new story telling material with helpful applications. Price is $1.50.

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