King's Business - 1920-12



GIVE JESUS THE FIRST PLACE Oh heart with sorrow burdened, And crushed with weight of woe, Your Saviour waits to comfort And conquer every foe. Give Jesus the first place, In your heart and life, Hear His call, Yield Him all,—; Peace after strife. Oh life so vain and empty, With nights of restless care, With days of idle pleasure, No peace can find you there. Give Jesus the first place In your-heart and life, • Banish sin, Let Him in, Peace after strife. Oh some whom God is calling

Oliver Lodge’s “Raymond” is as fine a thing as Dr. Haldeman has ever done. The chapter on “The Christian Dead” will be worth more than the price of the book to those who are longing for their loved ones who have gone before. Dr. Haldeman advances one or two pew ideas that would not seem well sup­ ported by Scripture-—namely, that the spirits of wicked dead can return and that hell consists in being eternally dis­ embodied. These points will hear care­ ful study. (Price $1.50). GUIDE TO BIBLE STUDY Oxford University Press has prod'uced a very valuable work by Harry E. Rich­ ards, who gives us a systematic course of Bible study from Genesis to Revela­ tion. It will he of special service to those preparing lessons for the young. It consists of practical questions grow­ ing out of each Scripture incident. These are answered with Scripture pas­ sages. It is arranged especially for use in Sunday School classes as well as personal study. There are two volumes —a Junior Course for use with begin­ ners ($1.75), Advanced Course ($2.00). WORKING IT DOWN A speaker at a missionary conference said that the object of that gathering was to work down the “missionary spirit.” He explained that usually the missionary spirit first struck the head, after a while got as far as the mouth, then the heart, conscience, and will, and by and by the pocket, and last of all the legs and feet. SHORT talk s to Ju n io r congregations; Sunday schools; Ju n io r or Interm ediate Societies; illu strated by fam iliar objects. B right. Spicey. Tw elve “Ob- jectalk s” 50 cents. Songalogue Company, Dept. E., Bay Shore, N. Y. * A SERMON BY MAIL—A t th e M arble Collegiate C hurch, F ifth A venue and T w enty-ninth S treet, New Y ork C ity, printed copies of the Dr. D avid Jam es B urrell’s serm ons are g ratu ito u sly dis­ trib u ted a t the evening service every Sunday (usually about 35 issues per annum ) from Oc­ tober to June, inclusive. . F or th e convenience of persons w ishing to re ­ ceive the serm ons w eekly, a m ailing list has been established, to w hich nam es m ay be added a t any tim e by th e p aym ent of one dollar to cover postage and m ailing for one year from date of receipt. S ubscriptions and req u ests for specim en copies should be sen t to M iss M erce E. Boyer, Room 1, 1 W est T w en ty -n in th S treet, New Y ork City. “OBJ ECTALKS”—FOR CHILDREN.

Back to His tender love, Do not resist His pleading, Oh, lift your eyes above. Give Jesus the first place - In your heart and life,

Hear His call, Yield Him all,

Peace after strife.

—Mrs. Harlow W. Parsons.





1 and GOLD | | are not ours to give, but any of | 1 our publications you may have ab- | §: solutely free, simply for the asking. = [ Be sure to write for a free copy | | of McConkey’s little devotional | 1 booklet, “The Sure Shepherd." It g 1 will help strengthen your faith. | 1 Address S ilver P ublishing C o ., | | Dept. F, Bessemer Building, | Pittsburgh, Pa. | .ll(illlllll|illlilllilllliillllHlllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllUIIUllllllUllllllllllillllllllllllHUIIH£

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