King's Business - 1920-12

P ERMIT us to lay before you the facts of the" spiritual need of the dis­ tre ssed and suffering Russian people. Russia, S^ Tr £ “ J ° * " 0S ^ Catholic countries, about 250,000,000 people, including 9,000,000 Jew. and 30,000,000 Mohammedans, have never had the °PPort" " ‘ty ine the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and never had an open Bible. 1hese mini n are today in the shadow of death and darkness—physically, morally spiritually. Infidelity has ruled educational and all other institutions. Million, are*m despair. Among young and old suicide is a common thing. Christ no chance. Russia is crying “Come over and help us. THE RUSSIAN BIBLE AND EVANGELIZATION SOCIETY was founded with the purpose of providing the people

Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, C hairm an C harles M. A lexander G eorge W . C arter, D.D. Edw ard H. E gbert, M.D. C harles E. Gremm els Gove G. Johnson, D.D. Jam es E dgar M cA rthur Don 0 . Shelton O scar Rixson Thom as E. Stephens W . Leon T ucker

H ow ard A. K elly, M.D., V ice-President D avid J. B urrell, L L .D ., V ice-President Sidney T. Sm ith, V ice-President G. P ertelevitch, Secretary-D irector Col. E. N. S anctuary, T reasu rer A lw yn Ball, Jf. H orace L. Day H arry D. M itchell, D.D. H on. S. P. Spencer, U. S. Senator E d g ar W . W ork, D.D.

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