King's Business - 1920-12

The Eight Little Handmaids of the Bible— O bject L essons of Scripture—8 Pam phlets Illu s­ tra te d No. 1 to 8, 12 O bject L essons in each P am phlet. T he Set of 8, $1.25. G et the E ight, price 15c each, postage 2c extra. O rder by num ­ ber. Rev. Chas. Eickenberg, 4029B N . H erm itage Ave., Chicago, 111. , pimniRninuiiiiiiiHuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiHuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiintiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 GIVE YOUR FRIENDS A UNIQUE I | BOOK GIFT | | “The Christmas Star” | | B y W I N I F R E D R O U Z E E 1 Th e W e ll K n o w n B ible Teacher B This book takes up the astronomical § | aspect of the Heavens at our Savior’s I I birth, and proves scientifically and | | conclusively the truth of the Scrip- | I tures regarding the Christmas Star. | | A new angle on this subject, 1 i INSTRUCTIVE ENTERTAINING 1 1 INTERESTING g PRICES I §j G ift edition, heavy paper, cover in four colors, chart . 1 D eLuxe edition. A r t Stock covers, a Frontispiece and chart § Order from H U. W . R O U Z E E | |j 536 South Hope St. Los Angeles, California j§ iiuHiiniiiiiiniiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiimniiiiiiii 30c J 60c 1

SPEAK ER S, LECTURERS—W e prepare m aterial for lectures, serm ons, addresses, special a rti­ cles. A u th o r’s R esearch B ureau, 500 F ifth A venue, New York. M EN -WOM EN -G IRLS dyer 17, w anted for U. S. G overnm ent Life Positions. $120-$200 m onth. V acation w ith pay. No strik es or layoffs. Short hours. Common education sufficient. Pull u n ­ necessary. W rite imm ediately for free lis t po­ sitions open. F ranklin In stitu te , D ept. D-118, R ochester, N. Y. A GENUINE LEATHER COVER, LOOSE LEAF Memo Book, 50 sheets paper. Your name stamped in gqld on cover. Postpaid, 50 cents. Loose Leaf Book Co., Box 6, Station L, New York City, Department No. 10. PREPARED OBJECT LESSONS—Do you preach to children? If you do, try the "Seeing Truth*' object packets. Objects and direc* tions in each packet* Send 10c for" a sample packet and the tract called "IJow to Preach to Children." Address Rev. C H. Woolston, D.D., 1242 Marlboro St., Philadelphia, Pa. HONEYWELL & PARKER, church architect», Indianapolis, Ind. Large book of plans, $1.00. Write them. St-Stu-t-t-tering *c"?eds*t* Ï Z V & »tractive booklet free. Walter McDonnell, UC Potomac Bank Building, Washington, D. C. “REV. A. REILLY COPELAND, S. T. D„ BIBLE TEACHER, conducts Bible Study Campaign for Churchea, Missions, Y. M. C A., etc., anywhere, any time. Write lor bulletin which «fives record of service, terms, etc. DENTON, TEXAS.”

Church Plans Going to Build

Latest churck plans. Send us your name and address, and state what price church you want, and we will send you FREE SAMPLE DESIGNS Our prospectus gives plans and views with estimate to build. Send us a rough outline of any ideas you may have for your church, and we will make you complete sketches FREE with each order. W. A. RAYFIELD & COMPANY Church Architects (Mention this Magazine in writing us) Birmingham, Alabama


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