King's Business - 1920-12

THE RIGHT WAY ' TO ADVERTISE YOUR CHURCH and th e R eligion of Jesu s C hrist is to publish the “ Sword of the S pirit, w hich is th e W ord of God.” A rtistic posters, 21 feet 9 inches by 9 feet 4 inches, w ith scrip tu re tex ts, $2.50 each. P o sters w ith a different tex t each m onth. W rite for m iniatures. { P o sters now ready. C ount the people passin g your church who would read a poster. F ree R eligious F eatu re Service for new spapers w ith space for church noitces. The m atrices for th is service will be furnished free to any new spaper th a t will publish them every S atu r­ day. Size 4 colum ns wide by 12 inches deep. W rite for copy. C ount the colum ns given to religious news m your daily paper for a week and com pare w ith politics, sports, finance, ad­ vertisem ents. Liberal contributions have m ade it possible to reduce th e price of p o sters a n d ' offer new s­ paper service free. Religious Advertising Association J. B. Spillm an, M anager COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA Reference Bible] Ed. by Rev. C* I. Scofield, D .D . I Helps at all the bard places in the I Bible on the pageswhere they oc- V cur. Dr. Scofield'shelpsare equal | to a Bible study course* New Edition. 2 Sizes* 34 Styles I A sk to see the Pocket Edition printed on Oxford! India Paper. Circularon request . A t alldeafen • I Oxford University Press American Branch! giiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiinuiiuiiuitiutituuiitiiiiiiiuitiiuHiiiHiiiuiiiiiHiiitiuiiiiHiiuiinii I MONTGOMERY,WARDANDCOMPANY Manufacturers and Exporters of General Merchandise Have catered to the requirements of S M issionaries in all parts of the world, B for over 25 years. YOU ARE INVITED | To w rite for a copy of our large | Catalog of General Merchandise and 1 our special MISSIONARY CIRCULAR WE GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ANYWHERE MONTGOMERY WARD Sc COMPANY M issionary Bureau Chicago, 111. 1 HAVE BIBLE PROPEHCIES BEEN FULFILLED? The question is answered on page 1318 ol ttie Scofield

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Dept. K. 215,

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