King's Business - 1920-12

FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS f t MOTTOES FLOWER MOTTOES Im itation velvet, b eau ti­ ful red and green shades, w hite le tte rs size 12x185^ inches. P rice 65c. T itles as follows:

The Beloved of the Lord Shall Dwell in Safety By Him. As for Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord. The Lord is My Shepherd I Shall Not Want. No Good Thing Will He Withhold from Them That Walk Uprightly. Commit Thy Ways Unto the Lord.

Beautiful^ m otto w ith em bossed flowers, and col- Comm it ored scenic in sert, im itation velvet, size 9x12 W atch ' inches, fancy c u t edge. Price------------------------------30c Seek of

CHRIST IS THE HEAD Sixe 12x9^ in.

Price 30 cents

of this ffOUSE The


T his world-wide know n m o tto is published in im i­ tation velvet w ith a reproduction in colours of a de sign after Thor w aldsen’s picture ‘Come U nto Me.* A UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL CARD M ade in form of a sm all book, board covers ; 16 pp.j 6 colored pictures, and illum inated tex t 4$$x7 inches. Each booklet contains the word; well known hym n and #appropriate illu stratio n s, th e very th in g for an inexpensive rem em brance. TITLES ____ __ T housands of o th er beautiful im ported and dom estic S cripture cards. Give us y o u r ideas and let us select for you. T H E B IO LA BO O K R O OM Bible «institute of Los A ngeles 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, t Abide With Me Rock of Ages Lead, Kindly Light. Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Nearer, My God to Thee Price, each - - . ............ the set of i-__ ____ —

Ï J U n seen C hest J JS û ia t eVCRV MEAL The S ilen t L istener t o € v e R y C onversat ion

m e n t io n “ k in g ’ s b u s in e s s ’* w h e n a n s w e r in g t h is a d v e r t is e m e n t

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