King's Business - 1920-12

Some Splendid Christmas Books The Master's Indwelling Andrew Murray 75c George Muller of Bristol A. T. Pierson $1.50

If you would like to know th e secret of th e C om forting Presence, the indw ell­ in g personality and pow er of the Holy Spirit, th is is th e one book th a t you need m ost to read. B etter order it today. The Return of the Lord Jesus Dr. R. A. Torrey Paper, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 A splendid p resen tatio n of the pre- m illennial position in the form of con­ nected discourse—very clear, very stro n g very convincing. A splendid book to p u t in to the hands of those you would like to have know and accept th e tru th of the Second Coming. Jesus Is Coming W. E. Blackstone Paper, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 T his is th e te x t book on th e subject of th e Second Coming. H as been m ore largely sold—m ore largely read th an any o th er book on th is subject. E very s ta te ­ m ent m ade—every position tak en h as full scrip tu re proof p rin ted > rig h t on the page. P u t th is book in the hand of every m in ister and C hristian w orker th a t you know. The Lord’s Return Jesse Forrest Silver $1.25 T his is a real encyclopedia of facts and inform ation concerning th e prem il- lennial com ing of C hrist. N ot only does th is book convincingly set forth the prophetic claim s b u t it also gives the h isto ry of the doctrine from th e days of th e apostolic church to th e p resen t tim e. A nd it also gives th e ' nam es of all the g reat leaders of the^ church who have received th e ir insp iratio n from the B lessed Hope. The Mark of the Beast

Som etim es we need som ething to giye m ore faith in God and especially faith in H is W ord. U nder such^ conditions we know of no book th a t will b e tte r repay you for reading. I t is a w onderful story of a w onderful m an told a w onderful way and it will d o . your soul untold good. Don’t delay ordering. The Christ We Forget P. Whitwell Wilson $ 2.00 I t m ay have been som e tim e since you have carefully studied o r even read a good life of C hrist, if so, here is# th e book to tak e on y o u r vacation. I t is * m ost delightfully w ritten sto ry of th e Life of th e M aster. Such a book as m en like— fresh an d crisp. W ritte n by a new s­ paper m an and no t by a theologian. Why I Preach the Second Coming 1. M. Haldeman $ 1.00 Everyone who has ever read any of Dr. H aldem an’s w ritin g s will be glad to come in to possession of #th is new book by him . A s you read th is book and get his reason for preaching th e Second Com­ in g you will also g et a t the^ real reason for his very successful m in istry a t the F irst B ap tist C hurch, New Y ork City. Getting Things From God If you care for a book that^ will no t only be food for your soul while being read b u t will also resu lt tn a very definite deepening and broadening of your prayer life, th is is th e book to read, re-read and th en pass on to your friends. In the Twinkling of An Eye Dr. Charles A. Blanchard Paper, 50c; Cloth, $1.00

Sydney Watson

Sydney Watson

$1.25 $1.25 N o hom e o r library is com plete w ith o u t these^ tw o exceptionally good books w hich so, convincingly set fo rth th e tru th of th e Coming of the Lord and th e G reat T ribulation in sto ry form . Old folks will read them—Y oung folks will read them— The w hole fam ily will enjoy them . If books are to be sent by mail add 1 0 % fo r postage. The Biola Book Room LosAngeles,Cal.


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