Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — June 8 - 21, 2012 — 23A
A Message from Region VI Vice Chair Tom Reynolds, III, SRPA The Appraisal Institute continues to be the leader in the real estate profession for over 75 years. Whether you’re an appraiser, analyst, broker or investor the Appraisal Institute is the place to get your education. AI in now offering the new “Advanced Level” courses along with other cutting edge seminars, professional development programs and webinars that will keep you informed if you need CE or are in pursuit of your designation. Many of the educational offerings are being offered in this region and also available on-line; log on to www.appraisalinstitute.org and click the education tab for a full list or offerings. One of the most exciting developments from the Appraisal Institute is the new “Candidate for Designation” program – similar to an MBA program. In keeping with our commitment to be the “BEST OF THE BEST” there is a growing number of newly designated members whose accomplishments has elevated them to the highest level of valuation experts. These professionals represent the best educated and dedicated individuals in our profession. Region VI Chair, Russ Sterling, MAI has been working on this “Candidate Program” since its conception and is a great resource for those who are seeking more information.
Region VI Directors
Region VI Chair Russell K. Sterling, MAI rsterling@sdadvisors.com Region VI Vice Chair Thomas C. Reynolds, III, SRPA tomreynolds@rac.net
Region VI Past Chair Eileen H. Lynn, MAI eileenhlynn@aol.com
Congratulations to our new Designees:
Delaware & Maryland Chapters Georgia L. Nichols, MAI Metro New Jersey Chapter Thomas P. Lenahan, MAI Michael J. Malinowski, II, MAI
Adam K. Munyan, MAI Thomas Sapontzis, MAI Edward J. Turner, MAI Northwest PA Chapter Philip Dellamedaglia, SRA
3rd Quarter National Board of Directors Meeting Las Vegas August 4-5
Pittsburgh Chapter Robert J. Owen, SRA Southern NJ Chapter Jerrold McCarron, MAI Washington DC Chapter Jane M. Diven, MAI, Ralph Pena, III, MAI
Region VI Virtual Meeting October (TBD)
4th Quarter National Board of Directors Meeting November 15 & 16
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