6A — June 8 - 21, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
HESAPEAKE, VA — Eight class Amedical of- fice condominiums in the Eight class a office condominium units in Virginia Atlantic Asset Management Group to conduct auction C
Properties to be sold at absolute auction Max Spann to auction 53 single family homes & lots
PHILADELPHIA, PA— Sin- gle-family homes and build- able lots scattered throughout Philadelphia are to be sold re- gardless of price at a real estate auction to be held in June. Max Spann Real Estate & Auction Co. has scheduled the auction of 53 Philadelphia prop- erties onWednesday, June 27 at 1 p.m. at First District Plaza, 3801 Market St. The offering comes on the heels of two Max Spann auc- tions, where 500 properties owned by the Philadelphia Housing Authority were sold to homebuyers as well as in- vestors. The auctions, held in November and December last year, provided opportunities for buyers to invest at attrac- tive prices. “For those who are interested in investing in Philadelphia’s future and missed our last auctions in Philadelphia, this is an opportunity that should not be passed up,” said Bob Dann, executiveVP and CEO. “We have a variety of differ- ent neighborhoods and have homes that are ready to rent
partially tenanted Oakbrooke Professional Center, located at 516 Innovations Dr., will be sold to the highest bidder in an on-site auction slated for Thursday, June 28, at 6:30 p.m. (EST). The auction is be- ing conducted byAtlanticAsset Management Group. “This is a phenomenal three- story medical and professional building, constructed in 2008 by one of the premier develop- ers in Hampton Roads,” said William Summs, CEO of Atlan- tic Asset Management Group. “The only reason the building didn’t sell out immediately upon completion was because of the financial crisis that stalled nearby projects that are now coming online.” Atlantic Asset Management Group has scheduled buyer- broker seminar-previews and guided tours (afterward) for anyone interested in bidding on a unit. These will be held June
1139 S. 24th 1343 S. 20th or already leased.” The auction features 43 single-family homes and 10 buildable lots. The first 22 single-family homes selected will be sold at absolute auction, meaning they will be sold re- gardless of price. The first five lots will also be sold at absolute auction. Max Spann is holding 15- minute auction seminars con- tinuously from noon to 2 p.m. on Thur., June 7 and Tue., June 19. The seminar will provide an overview of how to buy at auc- tion, property location review, and property info. package. “I encourage interested bid- ders to come to one of the semi- nars to learn how easy it is to buy at auction,” Dann said. ■
Eight Class A office condominiums in the Oakbrooke Professional Center will be auctioned June 28.
7 and June 21, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Investment opportunities and financing packages, plus sample build-out plans, will be discussed at the seminars. Full property information (condo documents, comps, floor plans, etc.) may be viewed at the At- lantic Asset website The eight units range in size from 1,402 s/f to 3,467 s/f. Features include pre-wiring for high-speed data, separately
metered utilities running to each suite, a fire suppression sprinkler system throughout, automatic main entry doors, five parking spaces per 1,000 s/ f of office space, an after-hours keyless entry system with building security, an intercom system and more. The condo units may be previewed via guided tour at June 21 seminar or by appoint- ment. ■
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Richard G. Warner, President NJ & PA Licensed Real Estate Broker Warner Real Estate & Auction Co., Inc. 109 East Grant Street, Suite B Woodstown, NJ 08098 Ph: (856) 769-4111 ext 710 Website: www.WarnerRealtors.com
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