King's Business - 1936-11

November, 1936


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

DoesYour ENGLISH Help

unto me, but all things are not expedient,” says Paul. Athletes strip off everything that would lessen their speed; even so must we strip our lives of those things which im­ pede our progress in the great work of spreading the truth. This principle settles many questions, especially among young people, concerning what is right and wrong. A runner in a race could very lawfully clothe himself in a uniform, wear hip boots and a high hat, but if he did so,, little success in the race would be his experience. In the heavenly race, we need to put off everything which impairs progress and suc­ cess. Instead of asking, “Is this or that right or wrong?” “Can I do this or that?” better would it be to ask, “Is this expedi­ ent?” “Will this help me in the race?” When a Christian regards his life as a race, he will see the importance of laying aside every weight that hinders spiritual progress. The power for such an enterprise is found in “looking unto Jesus the author and fin­ isher of our faith.” Thus we have not only the example of the saints of chapter 11, but also the example of the Lord “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame.” To follow them and Him may bring us a measure of the persecution that they suffered, but we too shall be assured of a reward in glory. The threefold secret of the spread of Christianity by the early church was first, a clear grasp of truth; second, a firm con­ fidence in the truth, and third, a full sur­ render to the truth. In the measure with which the church, today, possesses these, will Christianity spread even as it did with the early church and its believers. Teachers should notice the translation of Hebrews 2:1 in the Revised Version: "Lest haply we drift away from them.” The statement presents a more accurate pic­ ture of the writer’s supposition than the common version, “Lest at any time we should let them slip.” Since the great facts and truths of Christianity are under con­ sideration, it is better to think of these things as a great immovable rock of refuge rather than things which we can hold in our hands. Men may indeed “drift away” from these facts, but the facts themselves do not “slip.” Like the driftwood of the sea, men may be brought into contact with these things, and then drift away forever Points and Problems 1.

driven by the winds of human opinion, but the foundation of God standeth sure. 2. Some people may be perplexed by the statement that under the Law “every trans­ gression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward” (v. 2). This seems to suggest that every sin in Old Testament days was punished, that every sinner re­ ceived his due reward under the hand of divine justice. But this would contradict the unmistakable teaching of the Word that God passed over many sins in the Old Testament (cf. Acts 17:30 and Rom. 3:25, R. V.) The meaning is that under the Law provision was made for the punishment of all sin, and this “just recompense” must at sometime be fulfilled, either at Calvary or on the head of the individual law-breaker. Z. ?“IIow shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” To understand this warning, the historical problem should be kept clearly in mind. The writer is speak­ ing to Hebrews who had professed belief in the Messiahship of Jesus. Some of them were wavering in that profession, and were about to return to the Law. The warning is terribly severe. For those who turn from Christ to the Law, from grace to legalism, there can be no escapeig Furthermore, it was to be and must be understood that be­ tween Calvary and Sinai there is no middle ground. For all who reject grace there remains nothing ^save a Great White Throne and judgment according to works. Golden Text Illustration It was when the last grains were run­ ning through the hourglass of his life that Dore painted for us his magnificent “Vale of Tears,” now hanging in the Royal Acad­ emy at London. When viewing it, one is held in worshipful wonder at the depth of its meaning. There is a deep valley in which the world is gathered. Its life is represented by the king and conqueror, by the humble and the poor and the suffering. A beauti­ ful light floods the valley with a glory as from the throne of God. The light is celestial, for at the head of the valley stands the Christ, and all the light of the picture shines from Him. The world at His feet pictures the world’s redemption; kings have taken off their crowns before Him; to Him, the Prince of Peace, the conquerors of the earth have handed their swords. The dy­ ing mother holds out her child to Him, and as He says, “Suffer the little ones to come,” [Continued on page 434]

Sherwin Cody’s remarkable invention has enabled more than 100,000 people to correct their mistakes in English. Only 15 minutes a day required to im­ prove your speech and writing.

TyrANY persons say, ;A “Did you hear from him today.” T h e y should say, “H ave you ' heard from him today ?” Some spell “calendar” “calender” or “calan- der.” Still others say “between you and I” instead of “between you and me.” It is aston­ ishing how often “who” is used for “whom,” and how frequently the sim plest words are mis­ pronounced. Few know w hether to spell cer­ tain words w ith one or

tw o “c’s” or “m ’s” or “r ’s,” or w ith “ie” or “ei.” Most persons use only common words, col­ orless, flat, ordinary. Their speech and their letters are lifeless, monotonous, humdrum . Every tim e they talk or w rite they show themselves lacking in the essential points of English. Wonderful New Invention F o r m any years Mr. Cody studied the problem of creating instinctive habits of using good English. A fter countless experim ents he finally invented a simple method by which you can acquire a better command of th e English lan­ guage in only 15 m inutes a day. Now you can stop m aking the m istakes which have been hurting you. Mr. Cody’s students have secured more improvement in five weeks th an previously had been obtained by other pupils in two years I Learn By Habit— Not By Rules U nder old methods rules are memorized, but correct habits are no t formed. Finally th e rules themselves are forgotten. The new Sherwin Cody method provides fo r the form ation of correct habits by calling to your attention con­ stantly only the m istakes you yourself make. One of the wonderful things about M r. Cody’s course is the speed w ith which these habit­ form ing practice drills can be carried out. You can w rite the answ ers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and correct your w ork in 5 minutes more. The drudgery and work of copying have been ended by Mr. C ody! You concentrate al­ ways on your own m istakes u ntil it becomes “second n atu re” to speak and w rite correctly. FREE— Book On English A new book explaining Mr. Cody’s rem ark­ able method is_ ready. If you are ever em bar­ rassed by m istakes ^ in gramm ar, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, or if you can not instantly command the exact words w ith which to express your ideas, this new free book, “How You Can M aster Good English—in 15 M inutes a Day,” will prove a revelation to you. Send th e coupon or a letter o r postal card fo r it now. N o agent will call. SHERW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, 7311 Searle Building, Rochester, N . Y. SHERW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 7311 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. Please send me, w ithout any obligation on m y p art, your new free book, “How You Can M aster Good English—in 15 M inutes a Day.”

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