King's Business - 1936-11



Paul W. Rood, Editor

ÎINESS—OF COURSE! j R i c h M a t e r i a l f o r SO LITTLE C o s t 1

LOUIS S. BAUMAN, pastor of First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Cal. Appreciated for his schoj- arly and spiritual arti­ cles on prophecy. HERBERT G.TOVEY, di­ rector of Music Course, Bible Institute of Los Angeles. As a skilled mu­ sician and teacher, he discusses problems that confront leaders of church music.

a useful and attractive vehicle for carrying the gospel to those whom they desire to reach with a spiritual message. Many requests have come for a low-price offer which would enable Sunday-schools to provide THE KING’S BUSINESS for all of their teachers and officers, and which would permit Christian readers to send in large lists of gift subscriptions. The Ideal Christmas Gift THE KING’S BUSINESS is offered, in clubs of ten, at fifty cents a year, and in clubs of three to six at seventy-five cents a year. (Twenty-five cents extra is re­ quired for each foreign or Canadian sub­ scription.) What better Christmas gift could be se­ lected? Why not send in your list at once, using the order blank opposite the inside front, cover of this issue ?

On this basis, THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS has reached 21,516,000 individ­ uals during its existence. International THE KING’S BUSINESS is an inter- ' national publication. It is mailed each month to every state in the Union, every American possession, and forty-six foreign countries. Its Sunday-school lesson material, Christian Endeavor notes, and devotional readings are printed a month in advance, and missionaries declare that THE KING’S BUSINESS is the only Christian magazine , which reaches them early enough to permit their use of these departments on the dates for which the material was intended. Offered at Low Cost More than 12,000 copies are given away each month—not by the Institute, but by earnest Christians who see in the magazine NG ART ICLES ro BLEED . Robertson OF JUSTIFICATION erf Lockyer s PARTICULAR NEW YEAR .Neighbour ¡I e s s ia n ic p s a l m s . Pettingill LUENCE, AND MINISTRY . Johnson SICIAN IN ACTION rt G. Tovey EATING ITSELF? I W. Rood NTERNATIONAL SUICIDE . Herrstrom Ll CHRISTIANS BOW THE KNEE? muel Fisk

W. D. Herrstrom

. , R. E. NEIGHBOUR, widely known as a Bible teacher. Author of hymns, poems, and devotional messages. . . WALTER LEWIS WILSON, M.D., practicing phy­ sician in Kansas City, Mo. Constantly sought as a Bible conference speaker. His radio messages of salvation and cheer have been heard by millions. SgH PAUL W. ROOD, President of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles. In addition to strong, Scrip­ tural editorials furnished each month, Dr. Rood contributes from time to time Bible study articles, thoughtful analyses of current trends in world af­ fairs, and discerning book reviews. W. D. HERRSTROM, contributor to twenty reli­ gious magazines. Author of seven books. Is tour­ ing the forty-eight states in Bible conference and evangelistic work. KING'S BUSINESS. ■ ■ ■ ■

Emphasizing the need for the evangelization of boys and girls, THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS offers workable plans for presenting the gospel effectively to children. An object lesson is furnished for each Sunday-school lesson of the year, besides articles from time to time which deal with teachers' problems. In the picture, a Biola student is using a "feltograph" to aid a group of children in visualizing Bible truth as she tells them of the resurrection of Christ.

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