King's Business - 1936-11


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1936

Personal Name Pencil G IFT BO XES OF 3— l2o Individual Name Pencils are Personal Gifts and will please everyone. What could be finer'than to give each of your pupils a box of these Personal name pencils. Three fine quality pen­ cils each imprinted with name as illustrated. 1 to 12 boxes, 20c; 13 to 20 boxes, 15c; 20 or more boxes, 12c; postpaid. AD. P EN C IL CO. Walbrook, E Baltimore, Md.

He gives the mother the healing touch of His hand, while the lepers are cleansed and the lame are made to walk and run. The time is coming when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord. Until that day it is our privilege and responsibility to live and serve the Ruler and Redeemer of the world who shall reign in righteousness forever and forever.—Adapted from Illustrations from Art, by W. E. Biederwolf. Christmas Round the World (Review) H ebrews 2:1-4; 11:39 to 12:2. Memory Verse: “The earth shall be fufl of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isa. 11:9). Lesson 1. “Paul’s Wonderful Dream.” Paul obeyed the message which God gave him, and carried the gospel story to Eu­ rope. Lesson 2. .’“Two Happy Prisoners.” Paul and Silas were able to sing when most peo­ P a u l W a s N o t A fra id .” Pa ul be­ lieved God when He told him not to be afraid. Lesson 5. “Why We Keep Rules.” God allows the rulers to govern us, and if we disobey their laws, we are-not obedient to God’s will. Lesson 6. “When Paul Preached in a Schoolhouse.” When people believe in God, they want to turn from their wicked ways. Lesson 7. “On the Castle Steps.” Paul was willing to risk anything to preach Jesus to his people. Lesson 8. “In the World’s Greatest City.” Paul wanted to get to this great city to preach Christ, even if he had to go as a prisoner. Lesson 9. “Paul’s Shortest Letter.” Paul was not too busy to help some one in trouble. Lesson 10. “Paul’s Last Letter.” Paul’s last message was to urge his “son” Timothy to “keep the faith.” Lesson 11. “When John Saw Jesus Again.” Jesus gave to John a vision of heaven. Lesson 12. “Why Christmas Comes.” Christmas tells of God’s great love. Objects: Two cardboard crosses. (On one cross fix the crosspiece tightly so that it will remain in a horizontal position. The other crosspiece should be free to turn par­ allel with the upright.) Lesson: While these two crosses look alike, they are very different. The first is fixed, and the other is a folding cross. The folding cross looks handy, because it can be folded and put out of sight, but it is ple would have wept, and God blessed their joy. Lesson 3. “When People Read the Bi­ ble.” T h e w ay to learn about God and His plans for us is to study His Word. Lesson 4. “Why Object Lesson F olding or F ix ed ?

"THE O LD RUGG ED C R O S S " A N D OTHER F A M O U S H Y M N S Bound in Mosinee Cellusuede with gold stamped Cross, this makes a valuable addition to one's li­ brary, or is suitable as a gift. Contains the author's story of the writing of “The Old Rugged Cross'' and the story of "Nearer My God to Thee," “Lead, Kindly Light," "Rock of Ages," “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” and "Jesus Lover of My Soul " by Beatrice Plumb, frequent contributor to the "Christian Herald.” Also, fifteen brief ser­ mons on the subject of the Cross by fifteen noted preachers; radio stories, and beautiful poems. Sixty cents per copy. THE BENNARD MUSIC CO. ALBION M ICHIGAN Sell Greeting Cards Portraying the TRUE Spirit of: CHRIST mas Our Box of 24 DeLuxe Scripture Text Folders is, with­ out doubt, the best value on the market A $1.75 value sent to you postpaid for 60c. Two or more boxes, 50c each. For 4 Boxes, each containing 15 lovely Cards and Folders, send $1.00. Take orders nowl They sell on sight. SH E P H ER D ’S TOWN CARD CO., Shepherdstown, Pa.

not the kind that God likes. It can be folded and put under my coat. No one would guess that I have it when it is hid­ den under my coat. The other cross is hard to hide. If I put it under my coat it would surely stick out. Every one would know that I was carrying something under my coat. People often wonder why Paul and the other apostles were so successful in preach­ ing the gospel. They had a fixed cross which they held high. They were never guilty of trying to hide the gospel of Christ. There were times when Paul would have received kinder treatment if he had not been faithful in declaring the cross of Christ; but if he had been untrue, he would not have won as many followers for Christ. One of the reasons why there are not more people accepting Christ as Saviour today is that many Christians are carrying a folding cross. Their cross looks as good as any other on Sunday, when they are in the house of God, associating with Chris­ tians; but it is a folding cross during the week, and they can easily get it out of sight when in the company of those who are not Christians. Christ wants us to be true to Him at all times, whether we are with Christians or those who do not know Him as Saviour. If we will be true to Him at all times, we will have the joy of seeing many come to Christ for salvation. —--------- Appreciation o f Mrs. Burch For nearly three and a half years, the Sunday-school lessons in T h e K in g ’ s B u si ­ ness have owed much to the gracious touch of Mrs. Raymond F. Burch, whose draw­ ings for the blackboard lessons have car­

Book Missionaries Wanted You may be a real missionary by selling Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s great book STREAMS IN THE DESERT

Prcie $1.50 Postpaid Liberal Commission

O riental M issionary Society, Pub. Dept. 900 N . H obart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

Every Believer a Missionary This ideal can be attained also thru the distribution of GOSPEL TRACTS Send for a package today, only 25c. FAITH, PRAYER and TRACT LEAGUE D ept. KB M uskegon H eights, M ich. «GLIMPSES OF PAUL” You will be gripped by the vivid word- pictures of this NEW fascinating little book. I t presents the high-lights of Paul’s m ar­ velous life. Damascus, A rabia, Tarsus, A n­ tioch, Athens, C orinth — these and many other "glim pses’* will thrill you. Everyone, especially pastors and Sunday School mem­ bers, will delight in this novel presentation of an ever interesting life. Price, postpaid, only 25c. Also ask for our special Christmas book offer. O ur books make excellent Christm as gifts. Christian £&>erbtce Dept. D.K. P . O. Box 174, Moline, Illinois

ried a strong and true gospel message in visual form. It was not alone Mrs. B u rch ’s consecrated talent, but also her knowledge of God’s Word, that made the drawings and out­ lines a blessing to the many pupi l s and t eachers who have used them. It is with great re­

Bessie Brown Burch

gret that T h e K ing ’ s B usiness announces that a prolonged illness has forced Mrs. Burch to cease her work as a regular con­ tributor to the magazine. With thanks­ giving for the ministry of Mrs. Burch, many friends will continue to pray for her and her husband and young son. God would give infinitely if we had room to receive infinitely, and the only reason we are not receiving in this glorious way is because we will not take all that God would give.— J . R . M iller .

M AK E $ 2 5 -$ 3 5 A W E EK I You can learn practical nursing at home . in spare time. Course endorsed by physi­ cians. Thousands of graduates. 37th year. One graduate has charge of 10 -bed hos­ pital. Another saved $400 while learning.

Equipment included. Men and women 18 to 60. High Sbhool not required. Easy tuition payments. Write now. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 5211 , 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago, IH. Please send free booklet and 32 sample lesson pages. Name------------------------------- - - r----------:— — ----------------- City__- __________________State----------------- Age---------

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