King's Business - 1936-11

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1936


sands of dollars laid before his employer the company’s annual financial report. The merchant had known for a long time just how it would look. “A bad year, sir,” the young man said in an effort to speak comfortingly, “but business will surely mount before long.” In silence, the merchant scanned the sheet. Vast losses were tabulated, and the gains were small. It appeared that, for him, bankruptcy was imminent. When at last he spoke,, his voice was low and steady. “It has been a good year, John—in spite of everything. I think it is the best year I have ever had. Every one of those fig­ ures ‘in the red’ represents hours of agony, and prayer. Those experiences have made me rich in hope—so rich that I cannot despair over, any other loss. The future looks bright to me, for God has said that ‘no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.’ ” “May I tell you, sir,” the secretary re­ marked, .“that it was your steadiness under testing that made me long to know Christ, as you know him. I agree with you, sir; it has been a good year.”— S elected . Winona Lake School Progresses The unique Winona Lake School of Theology, which is conducted during the summer only, announces an expanded cur­ riculum for 1937. Courses for credit to­ ward regular theological degrees will in­ clude a department in sacred music which will be conducted by Rollin Pease of the University of Arizona. In addition to W. E. Biederwolf, President of the School, and J. A. Huffman, Dean, the faculty will con­ sist of outstanding Christian teachers and authors. July 7 to August 11 have been set as the dates for the 1937 session. By March 1 a prospectus will be ready which may be secured from J. A. Huffman, Marion, Ind. Who W ill Go? From the Sudan Interior Mission comes a call for forty-four workers who can im­ mediately prepare to occupy a hitherto un­ opened Moslem area in Nigeria, West Africa. The government and the native rulers have asked the mission to take over five leper camps of one thousand persons each, necessitating the prompt enlistment of four doctors and ten nurses, in addition to other regular missionaries. The appeal is miraculous, for the provinces thus inviting entrance have been among those most op­ posed to the gospel witness. In addition to this offer, five hundred acres of land for the leper colonies and a special site for the missionaries’ home have been donated by the native government, with the full ap­ proval of the British resident. What an opportunity for gospel work! Dr. A. P. Stirrett, the beloved veteran and pioneer of the Sudan Interior Mission, is now on the Pacific Coast, giving the challenge of this pioneer work to young people who are eager to invest their lives in fruitful service for Christ in heathen Nigeria. Dr. Ralph Hooper of Ethiopia, and Thomas TitCombe of Nigeria are also presenting the need of field workers and willing home helpers for this Christless but open field of testimony.

S pecial S ongs for S ingers What da you need? Book of 33 Solos for Low Voice— 50o, l books $1. Solos, Duets, etc. In beautiful Octave sheet* misio; such as Name of Names, My Earnest Prayer, Oh, How Wonderful, Kept By The Power of God, etc. 2 songs to each folder for 15c, 4 folders 50c. One central House for all your needs In Sacred Music. Latest and Best of all Publishers. Hymn books and Song books for all occasions. Tell your friends. New Catalog free. HARDY M U SIC CO. Dept. K 64 E. Jackson St., Chicago

& Cfjrtôtmag fèiit Œfjat MU ftonor Cfjrtét Enrollment In 'a Bible Correspondence Course

BilhornFolding Organs 45 years experience has pro­ duced a durable organ with brilliant tone for service in class rooms, mission fields, open-air meetings, hospitals, jails, etc. Folds to suitcase size—easily carried. Write for catalog and prices. BILHORN BROS. Dept. K 306 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III.

IS IT NOTHING TO YOU— that there are two million Jews in New York City with­ out the gospel, that the majority of the thousands of Jewish students—the leaders of tomorrow—are sinking into materialism and agnosticism? The Jew today is dissatisfied with Judaism, is spiritually hungry and is open to the Gospel message. THE NEW YO RK JEW ISH M ISSIO N is a faith work, seeking to meet this tremendous challenge by aggres­ sive open air evangelism, chapel meetings, and per­ sonal work among students and others. Subscribe for this bi-monthly organ, the Jewish Mis­ sionary Magazine. $1.00 per year (foreign $1.25). Sample copy free. THOMAS M. CHALMERS 2654 M ARION AVENU E - - NEW YO RK CITY, N. Y. HO TEL (Frances E .) W ILLARD 536*40 SOUTH HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Catering to Christian Trade MEN AND WOMEN N orth W ing — Bible In stitu te Reasonable Rates Write for descriptive folder

BelieversthroughouttheworldtestifytothespiritualvalueofSYSTEMATIC BIBLESTUDY asgivenin thesecourses. * ♦ ♦ Your Choice o f 18 DIFFERENT STUDIES Coursesfor Babes in Christ andfor the Matured Believer. AlsoaspecialChildren'sCourse foronly $1.0, including certificate upon satisfactorycompletion. Othercoursesrangeinpricefrom $1.50to$10.0. + * + Send for copy of Prospectus today. Select course you desire as a gift. Course will be sent to arrive Christmas week, bearing greetings from you. Course may be exchanged for another study if desired by the person enrolled.

I NDI V I DU A L tfm C O M M U N IO N S ER V IC E Send for Folder end SPECIAL I OFFER at low prices. Tray and

86 glasses $6 BOup. Glasses $1.00dozen. Outfits In Alumi­ num, Chromium Plate, Silver Plate, Polished Wood, ete. Collection and Bread Plates. Pastor's Sick Outfits, etc. Thomas CommunionServiceCo. Box542 Lima. Ohio

THE COM ING WAR IN THE SKY By Fred T. Fuge Here is another startlin g message th a t you m ust read and help circulate. This w ith, When You See These Things. World’s Sat­ urday N ight. S tartlin g Signs. The March of Doom. One Taken, One Left. The Miss­ ing Ones. A re You Ready? 48 Hours in Hell. A nd over 125 other titles fo r both saved and unsaved, including our famous COMFORT series. Sent FREE, as the Lord perm its. This w ork supported by voluntary offerings. Send Postage. PILGRIM TRACT SOCIETY RANDLEMAN, N . C. POST CARDS W ITH A MESSAGE—Choice poems, Scripture, and sentim ent. Supply real need of C hristian people. 50 samples, 25c, post­ paid. Postage stam ps accepted. GOLDEN RU LE BOOK SHOP, Albion, Mich. Now You Can Wear FALSE TEETH Without Embarrassment E at, talk , laugh o r sneeze, w ith o u t fe a r of false te e th dropping or slipping. FASTEETH holds them firm ly a n d com fortably. T his new, fine pow der h as no gumm y, gooey, p a sty ta ste o r feeling. M akes b re a th p ld asan t. N ewer an d b e tte r th a n an y th in g you’ve ever used. G et FA STEETH to d ay a t an y good d ru g store.

+ + +

A postal requesting Prospectus of courses is all that is necessary.


CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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