King's Business - 1936-11


T H E K I N © ' S B U S I N E S S

their day’s walk into the Golden Street.” That were an Apocalypse indeed! — N orthcote D eck . DECEMBER 27 A Continual Feast “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him” (John 6:56). We, who feed on Christ, are not abiding in Him and He in us merely when we direct our thoughts towards Him, feed on Him by faith, enjoy special communion with Him, but all day long and all night long; as much so when we are unconscious of His special presence as when conscious of it. For it is not written, “To eat is to abide” ; nor yet, “While you are eating you are abiding” ; but, “He who can and does eat My flesh . . . is dwelling, abiding, in Me, and I in him.” ! — J. H udson T aylor . DECEMBER 28 Trusting a Faithful Father “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him” (Psa. 103:13). Are we wiser than He? Are we kinder than He? Do we not read that He is kind unto the unthankful and evil? How much more so, then, to His own redeemed chil­ dren! Yet His kindness ever takes chief thought for our spiritual and eternal inter­ ests, leaving us for the present to find our happiness in Him rather than in our cir­ cumstances. Seeing that He has said, “All things work together for good to them that love God,” let us be content with His per­ fect will. Then will our peace flow like a river, and Our hearts indeed be untroubled. — J , S o u th ey . DECEMBER 29 By the Mercies o f God "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace!” (Eph. 1:7). May the precious hlood cleanse the guilt of our holiest moments. Cleanse our tears, purify our penitence, refine our hope, and accept us as needy, helpless souls who claim nothing because of anything that they pos­ sess, but stand before Thee in the merit of Jesus Christ our Lord.— F . B . M eyer . No miracle was wrought to save the Son of God from death, and there He hung, dishonored and dead, the whole world against Him, and the world apparently tri­ umphant,. He had pleaded with men, toiled for them, wept for them, and now He had died for them. Will His death be in vain? Will any amongst the vast multitude that gathered to watch that crucifixion be moved by it? Shall there be any response in any man to this boundless love ere the sun goes down?— J ohn T. M aw son . DECEMBER 30 Closer "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come” (Rev. 22:17). In manifold ways, Christ reveals unto men that He is willing and ready to enter into relations with them; and to those who have already some knowledge of Him, He

most blessed of experiences, if we trust in Him. Death is unclasping; joy breaking out in the desert; the heart comes to its blossoming time! Do we call it dying when the bud bursts into flower? — H . W . B eecher . Alone! No, God hath been there long be­ fore, Eternally hath waited on that shore For us who were to come To our eternal home: And He hath taught His angels to prepare In what way we are to be welcomed there, i — F . W . F aber . DECEMBER 24 Faith and the Word “And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself’ (Lk. 24:27) .. Be much in reading about the Lord Jesus. The books of Scripture are the lilies among which He feedeth. The Bible is the win­ dow through which we may look and see our Lord. Read over the story of His suffering and death with devout attention, and before long the Lord will cause faith secretly to enter your soul. If you are anx­ ious to give up every evil way; oür Lord Jesus will enable you to do so at once. His grace has already changed the direc­ tion of your desires: in fact, your heart is renewed. Therefore, rest on Him to strengthen you to battle with temptations as they arise, and to fulfill the Lord’s com­ mands from day to day. — C harles H addon S purgeon . DECEMBER 25 Emmanuel “They shall call his name Emmanuel . . God with us” (Matt. 1:23). “God with us,” now and evermore; This life of weakness and of woe; His love, His power, and His strength, With us, wherever we may go, Since He hath come to earth to dwell, And be for aye Emmanuel. No weary days, no starless nights, No sorrow deep, no trial, sore, But we can feel His presence near, “God with us,” now and evermore; Since He hath come to earth to dwell, Whose name i? still Emmanuel. — A n n ie J ohnson F l in t . DECEMBER 26 Triumphant in Toil “Nay, in all these things

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