King's Business - 1936-11

November, 1936


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

The careful judgment of that famous busi­ ness prophet, Roger W. Babson,who says,—

— i revival is coining. All signs indicate that America will soon again be swept by a great spiritual awakening. The church is on the eve of its greatest period of prosperity. Good times are ahead spiritually and materi­ ally. Let the Bridegroom find us ready when He comes.” Zealous singing introduces every great revival. The use of “Tabernacle Hymns Number Three” will hasten this one. Church attendance will climb again. Membership will increase. Your budget will be raised easily.

352 m usical num bers, 27 pages sp iritu al readings, Bible prayers, etc., including

Exclusive Lacquered L o n g -L ife B ind in g ★ ★ The new lacquering process used on all our books keeps gold stamping bright and free from tarnish. Also maintains the orig­ inal fresh appearance of covers and protects them against pre­ mature wear. The advantage of lacquered covers saves you money and replacements—and is given without extra cost. All booksmentioned on this page may be had in an optional col­ ored binding to harmonize with church interior. Alternate color suitable for Home copies. "T ab e rn a c le H ym n s N um b e r T h re e " Acclaim ed U n ive rsally Have increased church enthusiasm in the Song Service 100 per cent. —West Baden Springs , Ind. Meets every need for Church worship, Y. P . M . Societies, Sabbath School, Primary or Junior meetings, or for deep personal enjoyment around the home fireside. Rich, varied and wonderful col­ lection of truly beautiful and spiritual songs. — Nogales , Ariz. In three weeks they have paid for them­ selves several times in increased inter­ est and attendance. — Bloomfield , la. The finest of its kind in print. A thou­ sand people every Sunday enjoy singing the glad tidings with this book in their hands. — Philadelphia , Pa.

1 mm — You can get the needed stimulating supply of this unrivaled all­ purpose hymn book without increasing regular expenses. FREE plans have helped thousands of churches. Write for details and a returnable sample copy of this great book which, with hymns of Atonement, Consecration, Second Coming, Children’s Songs, Choir numbers andSolos, perfectlycombines the qualities of the StandardHymnal and Gospel Song Book. Aflame with power and sound in doctrine. Written out of deep spiritual conviction. Recaptures

the spirit of the great Evangelists. Issued in round and shaped notes; fufly orchestrated. (jreen Silk Cloth only $50.00 per 100. Green Bristol binding only $32*50 per 100. Prices not prepaid.

MA|l C O U P O N FO r RETURNABLE SAM P LES See and examine the book of your choice. Play and sing its numbers. Test its binding strength and wearing qualities and above all its spiritual power.

O ther Titles to C hoose From N O T E — Our wide experience and the m any volumes published Superior Binding by us and our affiliated firms m eet every music need. Features. Unstint- In the coupon check the uses for which new hym n books ed quality and care , are required and we will send you appropriate samples, extra time and ma- “ T h e Service H y m n al” —A complete service book for trials, vas ' every religious use. First classified hymnal to be orches- sources and re - long

experience combine to make ALL our hymnals unequaled in q u a lity and value.

trated and first to contain descants to established tunes. Lacquered Cloth binding, per 100, not prepaid, $60.00. “ D evotional H ym n s” —An all-purpose book for church and Sunday School. Orchestrated. Lacquered Cloth binding, per 100, not prepaid, $40.00; Bristol Binding, per 100, not prepaid, $25.00. “ H ym ns F o r C h ristia n Service” —A new book for use in. all departments of the church school including “Junior” church. Washable verminproof cloth binding only. Price per 100, not prepaid, $40.00. TABERNACLE P u b l i s h in g C o m p a n y 3 6 0 -R N. Waller Ave., Chicago

Tabernacle Pub. Co.f 360-R N. W aller Ave.vChicago Gentlemen:—Our church needs newsong books for uses indicated. Please send returnable sample(s). □ Morning Worship □ Sunday School □ Choir □ Evening and Week-day □ Evangelistic Services NOTE—Please check the purpose which hymnal is to serve and we will send samples to suit your needs. Official Name..... .....----------------------------------- .-------- Title ___________ A ddress ...................................... ................... . . Church and Denom ......................... .... .........__ Expect to buy new books (date)....,.,,..;. ....................... Pastor --------fgggljgj..------------ Address _______________.. S u p 't .................................................. Address _________________

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