King's Business - 1936-11


November, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

The Bible Institute FAM ILY C IR C L E

t “ GRACE NIGHTMARES mi DILEMMAS” A picture of th e modern church an d clergy. Startling facts and heart-searching appeal. Message delivered a t W orld’s C hristian Fun­ dam entals Convention, Toronto, O ntario, C anada, May, 1936, by Evangelist Edw in H. Cross, Director, H untington Gospel Taberna­ cle, H untington, W . Va. Forew ord by Dr. Paul W. Rood. 25o per copy; 5 for $1.00 postpaid. No stamps aooepted. Order from THE CROSS PUBLISHERS 2751 4th Ave. H untington» W . Va.

Bible Institute Rally Q UICKENED interest and enthusiasm were shown by the large group of the local friends of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles who attended the rally held on Sunday afternoon, September 27, in the auditorium of the Church of the Open Door. Paul W. Rood, the President of the Institute, was chairman of the gathering. After a brief song service led by Herbert G. Tovey, Director of the Music Depart­ ment of the Institute, assisted by the Biola Orchestra under the leadership of Freder­ ick ,C. Rowley, prayer was offered by Cut­ ler B. Whitwell, '25, a member of the staff. Dr. Rood announced that H. S. Risley, in addition to carrying his work as Circula­ tion Manager of the K in o ’ s B usiness , will serve also in the capacity of Assistant to the President. Mr. Risley in his message to the congregation outlined several of the many encouraging developments in Insti­ tute life, as well as some of the problems, and spoke of the blessing which has flowed from the special emphasis upon interces­ sory prayer for the Institute. Christina J. Braskamp, Secretary of the Biola World- Wide Prayer Circle, was introduced. The President announced that Cutler B. Whit­ well, who has been Student Employment Manager, has been promoted to the posi­ tion of Student Counselor. In addition to a solo by Emalynn Wil­ lett, the students of Biola were represented on the program by testimonies by James Brown of Belfast, Ireland, and by Ruth Liu of Bethel Mission, Shanghai, China. Helga Wedin of the circulation depart­ ment of the K in g ’ s B usiness sang a solo. The meeting served to introduce to the Institute’s friends a number of recent addi­ tions to the staff, including Beatrice G. Prosser, Superintendent of Women; Fred­ erick C. Rowley and William B. Bower, instructors in the music department, and Carleton E. Null, Director of Practical Work. Each of these leaders gave a brief message, in the nature of a testimony to the Lord’s gracious leadership into this place of fellowship and responsibility. A definite­ ly evangelistic note rang throughout the service, combined with a joyous faith that God will continue to greatly revive Biola and multiply its fruitfulness in world-wide soul-winning. “ Into All the World” W ILLIAM AND MRS. BLACK- STONE, Presbyterian missionaries, returned in July on furlough from China, where they have been stationed in a dangerous communist area in south cen­ tral China. Mr. Blackstone is taking courses in the day school at the Institute, and both he and Mrs. Blackstone are enrolled in the evening school. They have two children. Laura, ’35, and Mary Best, ’35, left Los Angeles on September 4 and sailed from New York on September 26 under the Sudan Interior Mission. They may be

reached through the Sudan Interior Mis­ sion, 296 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Warren E. (’33) and Mrs. Hall are liv­ ing in Grand Coulee, Wash., where Mr. Hall is serving as pastor of the Laymen’s Gospel Hall, sponsored by the Laymen’s Evangelistic Association of Yakima Valley. Ford L. Canfield, ’18, District Secretary of the China Inland Mission for the Pacific South-West District, reports that Biola is having a real share in the evangelization of China through the China Inland Mis­ sion as well as in the Institute’s own work

“TH E HOME OF TH E CHRISTIAN TOURIST IN FLORIDA” THE FLOR IDA KESW ICK CONFERENC “A place of Refinement and Beauty fo r those who appreciate the best” MAKE YOUR WINTER COUNT FOR THE MOST Ideal Climate—Every Room w ith P riv ate B ath—Excellent Meals—Wholesome Recreation— Golf, Tennis, B oating, etc. Special W eekly Sightseeing Trips—Reasonable Rates HEAR AMERICA’S FOREMOST BIBLE EXPOSITORS DAILY


Dr. H. C. Morrison Dr. Gerald B. Winrod Dr. W. B. Biley Dr. William Evans

Mr. Homer Rodeheaver Dr. Will Houghton Dr. Herbert Lockyer Dr. Martin De Haan

Dr. E. J. Pace Dr. W. L. Pettingill Dr. B. A. Forrest

Dr. B. E. Neighbour Dr. H. M. Warren Most of these speakers will be back w ith us this w inter.


REV. W . T. WATSON, D.D., President


“Qive Us Life!v pleaded four ragged, barefoot lepers at the entrance of the Soonchun Leper Colony, Korea, one bitter wintry night. "'There is no room,’ said Rev. J. Kelly Unger, Superintendent. W e can scarcely feed and shelter the patients we now have.’ “All night long they lay there in the snow, be­ neath my window, pleading, ‘Oh give us life!’ “The next morning, with breaking heart, I watched them wind their way back into the moun­ tains,—doubtless to die and never to hear the name of Jesus Christ. “They had knocked on the very doors of Christianity and had been turned away.”

'Give us life!”


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