King's Business - 1936-11

November, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


at the Hunan Bible Institute in Changsha, Hunan, China. There are now on the ac­ tive list in the China Inland Mission forty- two Biola students, including three in the home end of the work. The workers on the field are scattered over eleven of China’s Provinces. Lucinda Landrum, ’29, who visited Biola while in California for her vacation, has- been teaching history and English in the Breathitt County High School, Quicksand, Ky. She frequently sees Elizabeth Spooner, ’26, and Geraldine Hinote, ’32, who are connected with the Rehoboth Mountain Mission and have been located at Ports­ mouth, Ky. Miss Hinote has taught a Bible class in the high school where Miss Lan­ drum teaches. George H. (’18) and Mrs. Ekdahl (Gladys Gibson, ’19) of the Bolivian In­ dian Mission, San Pedro, Charcas, Bolivia, S. A., are responsible for a field that in­ cludes not only San Pedro but also sev­ eral towns and small Indian settlements in the surrounding region. Rolland B. Cochran, ’27, 8180 California Ave., South Gate, Calif., has been teaching a class of high-school boys in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Tabernacle, Long Beach, Calif., and has been preaching oc­ casionally in neighboring communities. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran have two children. Cecil M. and Mrs. Stuart (Margaret McConnell, ’23), 90 Lincoln St., Posonby, Auckland, N. Z., are living on a farm. They now have four children, two boys and two girls, the youngest, Betty Jean, less than a year old. Eugene M. ( ’30) and Mrs. Riddle are living at 806 So. Bright, Whittier, Calif. Mr. Riddle is teaching organ and public school music in Whittier College, and he teaches organ and music theory at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Ernest (’24) and Mrs. Nichols (Hope Hepburne, ’25) with their two boys, Nor­ man and Paul, have left California for Louisville, Ky., where Mr. Nichols is at­ tending the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. F. Dean Banta, ’32, Houghton, N. Y., recently visited the Institute and told of his pastoral work in New York. He has been preaching in two churches, the Tus- carara Presbyterian Church, Tuscarara, N. Y., and the Brooksgrove Methodist Church, Brooksgrove, N. Y. Gerald and Mrs. Jacobs (Edith Raleigh, ’31) are studying the Hausa language, and are teaching the Word through an inter­ preter. They rejoice in the recent confes­ sion and baptism of fourteen converts in the village of Sabon Gari. Their address is Box 73, Kano, Nigeria, B. W. Africa. Born To D. T. and Mrs. Wright (Frances Elliott), a son, Raymond Paul, Oct. 1, Port Elizabeth, So. Africa. To Albert (’29) and Mrs. Van Dyk (Annie Vanden Hoek), a son, John M., Sept. 28, Gardena, Calif. Married Neale B. Thomas, Th. B. ’36, and Helen Marie Seal, ’35, Sept. 21, Glendale, Calif. [Continued on page 455]

Important Notice To our contributors and all who are interested in Russian Relief work. The Executive Committee of the RUSSIA INLAND RELIEF MISSION, located at 690 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y., {the original society bearing that name), announce to our friends, with hearts full of gratitude to God for His faithfulness, the reorganization of this work under the leadership of Rev. Peter Pleshko, formerly Field Secretary of the Russian Gospel Asso­ ciation, Chicago, 111. Mr. Pleshko is a man of deep spirituality, with a passion for souls, and a great burden for the relief of the suffering chil­ dren of God in Russia. He has recently returned from Poland with a fund of valuable information regarding the situation in Russia, which we shall pass on to our contributors in our new literature. We desire to thank all who have so generously supported us during this period of waiting upon God for His will to be revealed. God has graciously manifested his love and care for this work ordained of Him. Together we shall press for­ ward with renewed faith and hope, in ministering relief to our Christian brethren in Russia. Stand by us in prayer and with your gifts, that a more blessed work shall be done to the praise of our adorable Lord. Please address all correspondence and send your much needed remittances for this far-reaching work to the: Russia Inland Relief Mission 690 Eighth Ave., Room 506 K New York, N. Y.

T #

Socialism—Communism—Fascism By LOUIS S. BAUMAN, D.D. The Most Timely Prophetic Booklet in Print! Concerning this booklet, D r. Thomas M. Chalmers, Editor of the Jew ish M issionary Magazine, New York, w rites: , . . __ _ , ,, “D r. B aum an has m ade a real study of his tremendous subject. He has gathered the facts, he sets forth the nature, w orking and baleful influence of the THR EE FROGS now croaking am ong the nations of the earth. Every Am erican should read and ponder the facts so clearly set forth in these flaming pages. They are a trum pet call to consider w here our nation stands today. They are a w arning against the m ighty evils facing this and all nations.*' Price 25c— 5 Copies for $1*00 Postpaid C ircular describing other outstanding Prophetic Booklets by the sam e A uthor upon request. ALAN S. PEARCE 1925 E. 5th St., Long Beach, Calif.

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