King's Business - 1936-11


November, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

As a preparation for his task, Dr. Day traveled across the continent from his home in San Francisco, and visited Northfield, Chicago, and other scenes of Moody’s la­ bors; he interviewed scores of people, and read everything that he could find about, and by, Moody. Then he wrote at white heat and put his heart into this labor of love. He not only described and analyzed the life and ministry of his hero, but he did also what no one else has done adequately —he recognized the contribution of Mrs. Moody to the success o f her remarkable husband, and he has given Sankey the prominence that he so richly deserves. Bush Aglow is readable. It is difficult to lay it down. Do not read it in snatches if you can find a time to read it through as a unit. Read it and then lend it to a pas­ tor struggling in a discouraging post. Re­ vival fires will be kindled in many hearts by this book. Thank you, Dr. Day! You have intro­ duced us to the man that we heard about and dreamed about and wanted to know. We thought it would be necessary to wait until the Golden City was reached before the longing could be realized. That long­ ing has not been abated but instead deep­ ened by your book. However, you made us really acquainted with him, and now he will be quickly recognized just inside the eastern gate! 333 pages. The Judson Press. Cloth. Price $2.00. (Paul W. Rood.) Glimpses o f Paul B y G eorge M . S trombeck Regarding Paul as a superman, this treatment of the powerful life of the great apostle attributes his effectiveness as a man to the superhuman working of the Holy Spirit in his life. Glimpses of him moving dramatically among people and potentates as recorded in the Book of Acts are seen in colorful succession in this brief but com­ prehensive volume. The vital message of the cross is predominant throughout, and Paul’s determination to preach it, as this author writes, is an encouragement to pres­ ent-day followers of the Lord to “keep the faith” and to “press toward the mark.” 88 pages. Christian Service Press. Paper. Price 25 cents. Bible History B y R obert N ew ton W aring This valuable reference work has two main divisions. Part One sets forth in chronological order and in their historic settings, the events narrated in Scripture, showing their nature and significance. On each page appear three items: the date of the event, the event in summarized form, and the Scripture reference to the event. Explanatory materials and comments are liberally interspersed, and appear just where needed. There is not only a har­ mony of the Gospels but also a similar ar­ rangement of the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. Events in the latter books pertaining to Israel and Judah are listed in separate columns, making it easy to see what occurred, and which kings reigned, in both kingdoms at a given time. For the most part, the Old Testament prophets are included in the Kings and Chronicles sec­ tion, in proper relation to the events of [Continued on page 455]


Moody’s portrait has been faithfully paint­ ed and a living, vital, dynamic personality is presented in this striking biography. After finishing the book at eleven-thirty in the evening, the reviewer was drawn to his knees for an hour and a half with God. A book that will affect a reader that way is vital.

B o s h A glow B y R ichard E llsw orth D ay

Bush Aglow is not an ordinary biog­ raphy. It is extraordinary. The reviewer is impressed with the literary merits of the book, for it is exceedingly well written; but he is impressed most of all by the fact that

B y Cecilia Margaret Rudin A C h r istm a s G ilt T ru ly C h r is tian Praised universally—“Just had a beautiful letter from my first Sunday- school teacher. I want a copy as a f jft to her.”— “My little girl is very ond of hymns. She will always re­ member what she learns about them now.”— “I enclose a check for ten copies. It is a fine book.” N ew E n la rg ed E d itio n

Strikes an answering chord in the breast of young and old. Written with dramatic appeal. Product of wide knowledge and ^deep consecration. Worthy of wide-spread generous use for gift purposes. Read these com­ ments: “Enclosed is check for five more copies for my work amongst the sick and shut-ins”— “Please send ‘Stories of Hymns We Love5 to my friend . . . as a birthday gift”;—“I have a singing class here at the orphanage (Alaska) and have longed for such a book many times”—“Your book fulfils a vital need”—“Send me 17 copies of ‘Stories of Hymns We Love.’ ” Richly illustrated,' beautifully bound in blue leatherette, gold-embossed; covers 400 years of Christian hymnody, from Luther’s “Away in a Manger” to “Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life” and “The Old Rugged Cross.” Price, $1.00. Order direct or through your church supply house. Agents successfully dis­ tributing this fascinating work. Particulars on request. JOHN RUDIN & COMPANY, INC. 1018 S. W abash Avenue Dept. KBf Chicago, III.

A uthor


Let Vs Rush the Gospel to the Russian People By sending your help to the suffering in Russia who are trying to wit- ness for Christ in spite of persecution and sufferings. Also, help us to continue supporting Russian native Gospel workers on the Borders of Russia^where the door is open to win souls. Others are ready to go but it requires means to maintain. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only ef­ fective method to stop the rising tide of atheism and radicalism. But how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? Will you help to send the workers by sending your contri­ bution ? _ Help us to evangelize the Russian Slavic people in Europe as well as in the U. S. and Canada through the Russian Home Missionary Department. Many cities in the U. S. with a large Russian Slavic set­ tlement must be reached with the Gospel in their language. Let us re­ deem the time before it is too late. Send Gifts and Make Checks Payable to RU SS IAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION , INC . 64 W. RANDOLPH ST., DEPT. K. CHICAGO, ILL. (Please indicate whether gifts are for Home or Foreign Russian Work) (Write us for the Russian Gospel News Bulletin — Free) EX EC U TIV E COM M ITTEE P AR TIAL LIST ADVISORY COUNCIL Rev. Peter Deyneka. Gen. Director Dr. Paul W. Rood, Chairman

Dr. Norman B. Harrison Dr. B. J. Heetderks Bev. W. W. Ayer Dr. Will H. Houghton Dr. Albert Hughes Dr. Walter L. Wilson Dr. H. A. Ironside Dr. E. C. Miller

Dr. C. P. Wright Dr. W. B. Biederwolf Rev. A. A. Smith Bev. G. D. Blomgren Dr. L. R. Patmont Dr. Bob Jones Dr. W. H. Rogers Dr. J. O. Buswell, Jr.

Mr. C. B. Hedstrom Mr. M. D. Plunkett Mr. George A. Benson, Treas. Dr. Arthur I. Brown Bev. Charles Porter

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