King's Business - 1936-11

November, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


FUNDAMENTALS ASSOCIATION [Continued, from -page 422] Clarence Dixon, G. Campbell Morgan, Sir Robert Anderson, and other premillenarians as its originators. F. W. Pitt is the present secretary of the Movement. Filling speaking engagements in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and England, Dr. Riley had many opportunities to study spiritual conditions. He tells of being particularly impressed by the many outstanding laymen of Britain who combine with their business engagements truly great preaching. Dr. Riley observed that denominations in the British Isles are much like those in the United States. The same denominations that have in them, here, a strong conserva­ tive element, show up after a kindred man­ ner there, and the denominations that, over here, have become modern have done the same in Britain. The Keswick Conference, which Dr. and Mrs. Riley were able to visit, is dedicated to the deepening of the spiritual life, and its influence is widely felt. It is estimated that six thousand peo­ ple attended the conference this year. Perhaps one of the important results of this visit is the proposal made by Dr. Pitt that next year a series of conferences to be addressed by Americans be scheduled in the British Isles, and a series of conferences, to be addressed by Englishmen, be held in the United States under the auspices of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion of this side and the Advent Testimony and Preparation Movement of Britain. This opportunity for mutual cooperation across the waters is a subject for. much prayer. The Ohio Christian Fundamentals Association plans to hold its first confer­ ence November 16 to 19 in the Goss Memo­ rial Reformed Church, 2237 Eleventh St. S. W., Akron, Ohio, of which William E. Troup is pastor. Speakers planned for the conference include T. Richard Dun­ ham, Earl Eavey, Don Falkenberg, A. C. Feigert, W. D. Herrstrom, Alva J. Mc­ Clain, Fred Mitchell, H. H. Savage, B. H. Shadduck, George Soerheide, Max Wert­ heimer, and L. H. Ziemer. The officers of the Ohio Association are T. R. Dunham, P. O. Box 388, Findlay, Ohio, President; Don R. Falkenberg, First Vice-President; Fred Mitchell, Second Vice- President; William E. Troup, Executive Secretary; and A. J. Levengood, Treasurer. Evangelistic Notices Richard W. Lewis of Siloam Springs, Ark., long known as “The Children’s Evan­ gelist,” recently cooperated with Earl F. Morgan, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Escondido, Calif., in an experimental com­ bining of the Vacation Bible School with an evangelistic campaign. The result was re­ markably encouraging. There were about two hundred children, besides teachers and parents, in attendance daily for two weeks. Dr. Lewis gave his “School of Methods” to the teachers, parents, and others, and he presented daily illustrated lessons, using sundry objects. There were sixty or more decisions, and most of these expressed readi­ ness for church membership. Paul Whaley led the singing at the services. The San Francisco Bay Region Chris­ tian Business Men’s Committee, P. O. Box 4030, San Francisco, Calif., held noon-

day gospel meetings in the Native Sons Auditorium, 430 Mason St., San Francisco, for four weeks in October, with C. B. Hed- strom, W. E. Pietsch, Tom M. Olson, and C. F. Pihlstrom as speakers. The meetings were broadcast over Radio Station KYA. Arnold Grunigen, Jr., the chairman of the

executive committee of this business men’s group, has issued an appeal for the organ­ ization of prayer groups which will espe­ cially remember this effort. These laymen are looking to the Lord to lead them into further evangelistic witness, particularly in view of the coming World’s Fair in 1938.

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T T A P P Y GROUPS, like those in the picture above, are m embers of one of 4,000 ■* Sunday-schools organized and m aintained by the Am erican Sunday-School Union. in ' STABLISHED in 1817, the Am erican Sunday-School U nion has organized and maintained^ more Sunday-schools th an any C hristian agency in th e U nited States, today, 181 m issionaries in forty states carry on the w ork in nearly 4,000 Sunday- schools w ith 175,000 teachers and scholars. The w ork is non-sectarian and thoroughly evangelical. The field is entirely ru ral and encompasses th e youth and older folk in otherwise unreached country areas. T A S T YEAR 6,846 Decisions for Christ resulted from the work. This summer 85 Young People*s Bible Conferences were conducted in 22 states. Nearly 900 Daily Vacation Bible Schools were maintained . /''\U R aim is the T raining of Christian Leadership in R ural America. O ur method y is twofold. F irst—the bringing of boys and girls to Jesus Christ. Second—the teaching of God s revealed Word. The opportunities fo r service were never greater th an now. Doors a re being opened on every hand and God is giving evidence of His ove, m ercy and goodness in thousands of ways. Needy hum an beings are looking to H im fo r spiritual and m oral strength. T F th e Lord should inspire a desire in your h eart to have a t least a small share in -*• tins work, a card to the N ational Office or to any D istrict Office, will bring desired inform ation. Ask fo r a copy of th e “Sunday School M issionary.” O ur “Sponsorship Plan affords a splendid opportunity fo r intelligent giving w ith personal contacts w ith the work. A ddress — THE DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS

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