King's Business - 1936-11

November, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Use “K ing ’ s Business” Buyers’ Guide Second B u ye r s9 Guide P r ize Contest - - Endung D e c em b e r 1 » 9 1936 FIRST PRIZE— Cash $10.00. SECOND PRIZE— 1 annual subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS and a beau­ tiful Teachers’ Bible. NEXT TEN PRIZES— 1 annual subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS. ADDITIONAL AWARDS — Every participant in the contest will receive recognition for his work. For further particulars address: Circulation Man­ ager, THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. • BUYERS’ GUIDE •

BIBLE COMMENTARY ZONDERVAN PUB. HOUSE, 815 FRANKLIN St., S.E., G rand R apids, M ich., publishers of new clear-ty p e edition of Jam ieson, F au sset and Brow n’s “A C om m entary on th e W hole Bi- ble.” See display ad b ack cover. BIBLE GAME MRS. F. T. BROWNING, 9628 S. HOBART, LOS A ngeles, Calif. Bible gam e su itab le fo r th e C hristian hom e. See disp lay ad page 422. BIBLES HARPER & BROTHERS, 49 E. 33RD ST., NEW Y ork, offer “T he H arp er C learblack Bible.” W rite fo r descriptive p rice list. See display ad page 448. BIOLA PICTURES L. F. MOORE, Box 1162, LOS ANGELES, Calif., offers Biola p ic tu re s: h an d -p ain ted and em bossed etching. See display ad pag e 453. __________ BOOK STORES__________ BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 SOUTH HO PE ST., Los A ngeles, Calif. H ead q u arters Fundam ental L iteratu re. See display ad p ag e 454. _______ SCHULTE’S BOOK STORE— W E BUY AND sell T heological lib raries an d collections of good books. Send fo r c atalo g a n d m ention K ing’s B usiness. SCHULTE’S BOOK STORE, 80-82 F o u rth A venue, New Y ork City. WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT COMPANY (O akland’s L eading Bible H o u se), 1730 T ele­ g raph Ave., O akland, Calif. Dr. H. A. Iro n ­ side, P resident. C hristian lite ra tu re . Send for o u r catalogues an d receive free booklet, also. BOUND MAGAZINES W E CAN SU PPLY BOUND COPIES OF TH E KING’S BUSINESS fo r several years b ack a t th e follow ing prices, delivered p o stp aid to y o u r a d d ress: % leath er, $4.00; Full cloth binding, $3.50. % b o ard binding (clo th back a n d p ap er sid es), $2.50. ________CARTOON TRACTS________ W ITH CONVINCING MESSAGES. 25,000,000 sold. 1000 leaflets $1.50. 1000 card s $1.00 p o stp aid . The T ra c t E vangel Society, 753 Fairview Ave., K alam azoo, Mich, CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS CHOIR AND PU L P IT GOWNS, HANGINGS, Bible M arkers, etc. A lso p u lp it fu rn itu re, bulle­ tin boards, comm union sets. Fine m aterials, b eautiful w ork. W rite fo r prices. S tate defi­ n itely w h at is needed. DeMoulin B ros. & Co., ,1026 So. F o u rth St., G reenville, Illinois. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS TH E BENNARD MUSIC CO., ALBION, MICH., pu b lish ers of “T he O ld R ugged C ross and o th e r Fam ous H ym ns,” w ith serm ons, poem s, and rad io stories. See display ad page 434. BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSN., 810 N. W ells St., Chicago, 111., publishers of book, “ For Me to Live,” b y A lice M- A rdagh. See display ad page 440. ___________________ CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1506 N. T hird St., H arrisb u rg , Pa. O ffers free sam ple of Sunday-school p u blications an d Bible courses for Y oung People’s Societies. See dis- p lay ad pag e 444._____________________________ CHRISTIAN SERVICE PRESS, BOX 174, Moline, 111., publishers of new book “Glimpses of P au l.” A sk fo r special C hristm as book offer. See disp lay ad p ag e 434.______________ TH E CROSS PUBLISHERS, 2751 4TH AVE., H untington, W . V a., publishers of book, “G race N ightm ares and D ilemm as.” See d is­ play ad page 449.

A BOOKLET ON "CHRIST’S COMING,” w rit­ ten by Dr. G ustav E d w ard s on th a t im p o rtan t subject. H ighly recomm ended. Send o rders to 421 I N. H erm itag e Ave., C hicago. Price, tw enty-five cen ts a n d postage. FUNDAMENTAL T R U T H PUBLISHERS, Findlay, O hio, p resen t new p ro p h etic book, “Perils of th e L a tte r D ays,” a n d o th ers, a t special price. See disp lay ad s p ag es 439 and 446. GLAD TIDINGS PUB. SOCIETY, 224 DART- m outh St., R ochester, N. Y., p u b lish ers of “H ow a C h ristian O u g h t to Live.” See d is­ play ad p ag e 448. TH E GOSPEL M INISTER, W ESTFIELD , IND., pu b lish ers of “T he G ospel M inister.” 52 w eeks fo r $1; 13 w eeks fo r 25c. See d is­ play ad p ag e 448. NEW CHRISTMAS B pO K L ET , “TH E POW ER of God U nto S alvation,” con tain s S crip tu re verses, rare incidents, poem s. B eautiful C h rist­ m as covers. E nvelope size, 24 pages. S u b sti­ tu te fo r card s. E ach 15c; 2 fo r 25c; 9 for $1.00. M rs. N. Griffin, Box 55, S tatio n C, P asadena, Calif. UNIQUE! "GLEANINGS FROM TH E GREEK ” an d “M ore G leanings.” R equire no know ledge of G reek gram m ar. M ost suggestive an d h elp ­ ful. 25 cen ts each, an d 25 cen ts fo r Neil’s “O ur G reat H igh P riest.”— M arshall, 29 P a ­ te rn o ste r Row, London E.C.4, England. REV. FRANK A. M ILLER, 125 S. AVE. 60, Los A ngeles, Calif., p ublisher of 14 E v an g el­ istic C halk T alks. 25 cen ts p ostpaid. See d is­ p lay ad p ag e 446. FOUR STIRRING, INSPIRING BOOKLETS ON Tim ely Subjects, “T he Jew an d H is D estiny,” “The^ P rin ce of T his World,,” “The C ross of Gold,’’ 35 cen ts each. “The K irkanilly Tw ins,” 10 cents— all fo r $ 1.00. E. H . M oseley, G aines­ ville, Texas. ALAN PEARCE, 1925 E. FIFTH STREET, Long B each, Calif., will ta k e o rd ers fo r P ro ­ phetic B ooklets b y Louis S. B aum an, D.D., and fo r o th e r publications. See disp lay ad page 450. PRO PHECY MONTHLY, D EPT. KB, 2003 AD- dison W ay, Los A ngeles, Calif. 40-page m onthly m agazine specializing in prophecy. See disp lay a d pag e 422. JOHN RUDIN & COMPANY, INC. 1018 S. W ab ash Ave., C hicago, 111., publishers of “Stories of H ym ns W e Love,” by Cecilia M ar­ g aret R udin, M.A. New enlarged edition. See d isp lay ad page 452. SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY, BESSEMER Bldg., P ittsb u rg h , Pa., will send free u p o n re ­ q u est choice booklet, “The Book of R evela­ tio n .” See display a d p ag e 436. F. H. STEARNS, BURLINGTON, VT., OFFERS booklet, “In stru c tio n s for th e Inquirer,” by Jo h n B unyan. See display ad page 448. W ILLIAM PORTER TOWNSEND, LOCKBOX 253, Plainfield, N. J. O ffers 6 copies of “ Seth A llen’s Bible” a t 10 cen ts, an d o th er circu lars. See display ad page 440. CHURCH MUSIC DON M. ALLEN, 2127 CITY V IEW ST., LOS A ngeles, Calif., p u blisher of “Singing His P raises,” contain in g new ch o ru ses a n d h e a rt­ stirrin g favorites. See disp lay ad page 436. BENNARD MUSIC COMPANY, 108 W EST P o rte r S treet, A lbion, M ichigan, publishers of “Full R edem ption Songs.” See display ad page 444. TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE A ss’n, 810^ N. W ells St., Chicago, 111., p u b ­ lish ers of “M oody C entenary Song B ook,” a t 10c each, $7.50 p er 100. See display ad page 444.

SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Price If Paid in Advance

Price $ 4.50

Times 3

Price $18.00 24.00 48.00

Times 12

Listings 30 words

$17.10 22.80 45.60


3 3

12 12

12.00 Copy due 10th of month preceding date of publication AGENTS WANTED ALBERT M ILLS, 1678 MONMOUTH AVE., C incinnati, Ohio. D etails upon application. See display ad page 455.__________________ GOSPEL TRUM PET COMPANY, ANDERSON^ Indiana, offers stead y pro fits to C hristian m en an d w om en in G ospel service. W rite fo r free illu stra te d catalo g giving full p a rtic u la rs. See display ads p ag es 422 an d 443.______________ JONES, TH E HOLLY W REATH MAN, M1L- ton, D elaw are, offers p lan fo r earn in g m oney by selling C hristm as holly w reath s and e v er­ green deco ratio n s. See display ad p ag e 441. GEORGE W . NOBLE, 440 S. DEARBORN ST., C hicago, 111.,. will send free inform ation on how to e arn m oney selling S crip tu ral supplies upon request. See disp lay ad page 446. 160,000 COPIES O F “STREAMS IN THE D esert” alread y sold. O riental M issionary Society, 900 N. H o b a rt Blvd., Los A ngeles, Calif. See disp lay ad p ag e 434. PH ILAD ELPH IA B IB L E H O U S E , 12 11 C hestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., will furnish inform ation a b o u t m oney-m aking op p o rtu n ity . See display ad page 439. AID IN SACRED SONG WRITING CORRECT HYMN MUSIC ASSURES EDITOR- ial consideration. Send hym n o r poem for FREE criticism . Enclose dim e fo r sam ples. R aym ond Iden (K B ), Com poser, A rranger, Mt. V ernon, Ohio.________________________ _ ___________ ANNUITIES ________ AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE HOUSE, A sto r Place, New Y ork City. Free booklet describing an n u ity agreem ents. See display ad page 45 1._______________________ ____________ MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTITUTE Place, Chicago, 111. W rite for new booklet, “ F acts,” for inform ation reg ard in g an n u ity plan. See disp lay ad p ag e 439. _______ APPEAL FOR FUNDS_______ TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE C O L P O R T A G E A ss’n, 810 N. W ells St., Chicago, 111., offers o p p o rtu n ity fo r in v estm en t in the sp read of th e S crip tu res an d C h ristian lite ra tu re . See display ads p ages 429 an d 445. ___________ BABY WEAR___________ DOLLY’S H A P P Y HOME, OCEANSIDE, Calif., specializes in b ab y outfits, show er gifts, etc. See disp lay ad page 448. ____________BEVERAGES____________ PAN AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 2704 S. V erm ont Ave., Los A ngeles, Calif. Fam ous M ate tea and D esert tea. See disp lay ads pages 448 an d 451. BIBLE BINDING TH E BIBLE BINDERY, BIBLES REPAIRED an d rebound. Flexible le a th er covers a sp ec­ ialty . S atisfactio n g uaranteed. A gency: New A nalytical Bible. . G race W hidden, 2026 E. Fourth St., Long Beach, Calif. BIBLE CHARTS JAM ISON’S CHRONOLOGICAL PANORAMA of th e Bible, lith o g rap h ed in 9 colors, on fine m ap cloth, 17x34 inches. P rice $1.75 including key, p o stp aid . A bridged one-color edition, 10c. Prof. Lew is H. Jam ison, 751 Olive Ave., Long Beach, Calif.

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