King's Business - 1936-11

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T h e N e w C l e a r - T y p e E d i t i o n o f Jam ieson , Fau sse t and B r ow n ’ s A Commentary £ Whole Bible F ou r V o lum e s C om p le te in O n e OLD TESTAMENT G enesis-Esther: Robert Jam ieson, D.D. Job-M alachi: A. R. Fausset, M.A. NEW TESTAMENT M atthew-Romans : David Brown, D.D. Corinthians-Revelation : A. R . Fausset, M.A. T HIS is an entirely new issue of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s famous four-volume Commentary. Pastors, Teachers, Bible Students and Christian workers have long recognized it as an indispensable aid to greater knowledge of the Word of God. Now it is brought within the reach of everyone. Send only 95c today with coupon below and arrange your own terms on four additional payments of $1.00 each. Act today—get the inspiration and greater knowledge of spiritual truth which this book furnishes. Helps you “to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ.”

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Pages WU1 H. Houghton, D.D., said : “Devout . . . reverent . . . analytical . . . search­ ing . . . concentrated.” Don O. Shelton, LL.D., said: “This critical, practical and explanatory work is the choice fru it of a reverent scholarship. Every preacher and Bible student who pray­ erfully and studiously reads it^ through will have a thor­ ough education in the Scrip­ tures.” C. H. Spurgeon said: “It contains so g reat a variety of inform ation th a t if a m an had no other exposition he would find him self a t no great loss if he possessed th is( and used it diligently. I have of it a very high opinion . . . I consult it continually and w ith grow­ ing interest.”

DO YOU KNOW Jamieson, Faussef and Brown? Robert Jamieson, D.D., was Min­ ister of St. Paul’s Church, Glasgow. A. R. Fausset belonged to the Evangelical School of the Church of England. He was Rector of St. Cuthbert’s, York. Widely known as the author of many commendable books. David Brown, D.D., was a re­ nowned Presbyterian Minister and later, Professor in the Seminary of Aberdeen. Widely known as a con­ servative. Author of “Christ’s Sec­ ond Coming: Will It Be Premillen- nial?” and many other significant books.

Dr. Jam es M. Gray said: *‘I can commend it w ithout res­ ervation. I keep it alw ays a t hand fo r quick, ready refer­ ence . . . has never been surpassed in value . . . to obtain it in this new clear type is a great advantage.” W. B. Riley, D.D., said: . . sound and splendidly illum inating . . . the most valuable comm entary in one volume . . . a marvelous work.” D r. George W. T ruett said: “. . . should be in the li­ brary of every preacher and indeed of every Bible stu­ dent of the land. ^I have been indebted to this great work fo r a generation.” Wm. E . Biederwolf, D.D., said: “. . . best brief com­ m entary I ever used . . . Every student of th e Word should have this w ork.”

(Comments Copyrighted, 1935, by Z.P.H .)

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Genuine “clear-type” Edition The only clear-type volume edition —-easy to handle— easy to read. (Note delightfully clear type) CHAPTER I.

ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE 815 Franklin Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Gentlemen:

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Ver. 1,2. T h e C reation or H eaven and E arth . 1. In the beginning— a period of remote and unknown an­ tiquity, hid in the depths of eternal ages; and so the phrase is used in Proverbs 8.22,23,also Marginal Reference. Cod—the name of the Supreme Being, signifying in He­ brew, “Strong,” “Mighty.” It is expressive ofomnipotent power; and by its use here in the plural form, Is obscurely taught at the opening of the Bible, a doctrine clearly re­ vealed in other parts of it. viz., that though God is one, Published by ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dept. KB, 815 Franklin St. S. E., Grand Rapids, Michigan (Please m ention this m agazine when ordering.)

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