using multi-modal forms of transportation – walking, biking, public transportation, riding scooters, etc. By studying and analyzing data around this movement, we can optimize routes and allow for better coordination of multi-modal travel and total mobility solutions. We think in terms of more Complete Streets – accommodating all modes of transportation and creating a community around those modes – as well as Transit-Oriented Development – high-density, mixed-use de- velopment at or within a short walk of a transit station. There are even apps rolling out that will allow people to go from Point A to Point B utilizing a number of modes of transportation, with trip planning and payments at our fingertips and kept in one place. At the same time, technology is allowing for more inclusive mobility, including for people with disabilities. Smartphone apps are emerging that link to bus stops and guide a visually impaired user to the actual bus stop (some- thing a typical smartphone GPS cannot do due to its lack of accuracy). The app notifies the bus driver in advance that there is a disabled rider waiting at the bus stop so he can be accommodated by the bus driver. This reduces stress and improves access for all users of the system and enables a more inclusive community. Green Infrastructure We are also exploring the benefits of green infrastructure features designed to provide social, economic, and environmental benefits within a single feature. This includes permeable surfaces, rain gardens, bioswales, green roofs/walls, green open spaces, and more. Green infrastructure can reduce urban heat (which is especially a concern for vulnerable populations such as the elderly), lower energy demands and improve stormwater management. Sensors can help us to monitor this type of infrastructure and alert us if an area needs maintenance. Incorporating these elements should happen throughout the planning process to ensure sustainable development and smarter growth while creating optimized design of infrastructure. For example, data gener- ated by green infrastructure provides for a dynamic stormwater man- agement solution that is more adaptable and responsive to changing needs and conditions, while manageable at a lower cost. These benefits are especially relevant in a changing climate and when fiscal resources are already stretched. Proposed multimodal paths will weave through Schenley Park, connecting neighborhoods on either side of the valley. Concurrent stormwater improvements allow daylit streams to be attractive places to walk and bike, and the paths provide access to new and enhanced public park amenities.
The deployment of IoT throughout our cities will largely depend on a public-private hybrid approach. Both parties would have a stake in the outcome as it would positively impact cost of living, quality of life, ecological quality, safety, and security. One caveat to consider is that while IoT makes more things possible, it may also disconnect the physical environment from the functional environment, making cities less “understandable”. This creates the risk of losing the visual char- acter and identity that we so much appreciate in older cities as well as newer cities that have successfully (re)created their identity. This is also consistent with the consumer trend towards gaining diverse “ex- periences” as reflected in the global surge of tourism and moving away from the accumulation of physical goods – or “stuff”. On a smaller scale, the conveniences enabled by technology – such as same day delivery – while minor in themselves, taken together have the potential to dramatically change the way our cities function as well as how they look. More Data than Ever Before We are at the beginning of a data avalanche with access to vast amounts information, but most agencies, companies and organizations are still determining the best way to derive insights and use data to inform fu- ture planning purposes. The increase in data has led to a fundamental shift in planning and design; we can now focus on the short-term future as we know how and when people are traveling and how infrastructure is being utilized in real-time, versus planning solely for the mid- and long-term. Data collection and visualization tools allow us to design better cities that are more inclusive and with the ability to model the effects of changes before we implement them. This enables us to adapt our systems and solutions as we gain more information from their op- The Mon-Oakland Mobility Project would improve access to Pittsburgh's Hazelwood neighborhood for multiple modes of transit, including possible AVs, bicycles and pedestrians. The suggested improvements shown here include curb bumpouts, charging stations, bicycle parking, street art and murals and new infill buildings on underutilized lots.
eration, creating the “adaptive city”. Integrated Mobility Solutions
The potential of data is especially evident in transportation planning, where the way we move people is fundamentally changing. No lon- ger are personal cars the only way to get around. Rather, people are
april 2020
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