Kevin Patrick Law - April 2024

Finding Humor in the Legal World This April Fool’s Courtroom Comedy April Fool’s Day is when humor can lighten our loads and bring smiles to even the most serious professions. Yes, even us lawyers can crack a joke or two! Believe it or not, beneath the stacks of case files and court documents, a well of humor is waiting to be drawn from. So, in the spirit of April Fool’s Day, let’s indulge in lawyer-related jokes that remind us it’s okay to laugh, especially at ourselves. • Lawyers will wish you a happy holiday but remind you they cannot guarantee it. • A man hired a lawyer to sue the airline for losing his baggage. Unfortunately, he lost the case. • Why are lawyers uniquely charming? They have their own appeal. • What do you get when you cross “The Godfather” with a lawyer? An offer you can’t understand. • A lawyer dies and goes to Heaven. “There must be some mistake,” the lawyer argues. “I’m too young to die. I’m only 55.” “Fifty-five?” says Saint Peter. “No, according to our calculations, you’re 82.” “How’d you get that?” the lawyer asks. Answers St. Peter, “We added up your time sheets.” • Arguing with a lawyer is like wrestling a pig in mud. Sooner or later, you realize that they like it! • What’s the difference between an accountant and a lawyer? Accountants know they’re boring. • The trouble with the legal profession is that 98% of its members give the rest a bad name. Remember, laughter is the best medicine and a universal language that connects us all. This April Fool’s Day, let’s embrace the lighter side of law and remember that even while advocating and negotiating, there’s always room for a good laugh. After all, a day without laughter is a day wasted, especially in the legal profession.

Legally Unbelievable

When the Law Meets Absurdity

There are some outlandish laws in the U.S., but you can also get away with plenty of surprising things. Let’s dive into some of the crazy laws from around the country.


Flame On Owning a flamethrower is surprisingly legal and easy in 48 states. The only state where you can’t own one is Maryland. And if you want a flamethrower in California, you must get a license. The rest of the states say, fire away! Car Radar Another surprising law concerns radar detectors: In most states, utilizing a radar detector in your personal vehicle is completely legal. Do you want to check someone’s speed or look out for police officers? Unless you live in Mississippi, Virginia, Washington, D.C., or on a military base, it’s entirely legal! Sleepy Surgery There are absolutely no laws that state surgeons must get a good night’s sleep before surgery. As dangerous as this sounds, at least surgeons usually do have a limit on how long they can work at once, curtailing the worst outcomes of an exhausted doctor.


Car Cursing While in Maryland, you should be mindful of keeping your swear words to yourself (or whisper them softly) while driving through the small city of Rockville. It is considered a misdemeanor to swear from a vehicle within earshot of other people. Your curse words could cost you up to $100 in fines or 90 days in jail. Blindingly Obvious Driving blindfolded has never been a good idea, but that clearly didn’t stop adventurous residents in Alabama from testing their blind driving skills. Maybe that’s why the state passed a law making blindfolded driving illegal.

Keep an open ear and be mindful of what is legal and what is not. Nobody wants weird laws creating dumb criminals!

You can always reach Kevin directly at 404.566.8964 or (If you ever need it, his cellphone is 404.409.3160.)

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