To what extent and in what ways did participation in the RAC Leadership Network result in increased connectedness and capacity among partners? An important area of focus for the project’s research and evaluation team was how the RAC Leadership Network itself emerged throughout this project. We studied the development of the Network through a combination of questionnaires, group interviews, observations, and regular participation in Network meetings. Our analyses examined how the relationships between the organizations in the RAC Leadership Network changed over the course of their participation, as well as what features of the Network seemed to be most helpful or important to the organizations involved.
What we’ve learned:
• The same examples of collaboration that Network participants said were most helpful for the Network as a whole were also the examples they said were most helpful for their individual organizations. These examples included opportunities to exchange ideas in synchronous meetings, the “promising examples” of programs that emerged over the course of the grant, and Network-funded professional learning opportunities. • When asked what they felt were the greatest strengths of the Network, participants cited relationships between Network members, shared passion and mutual respect, having a common cause and a champion for that cause at an anchor institution, as well as individuals’ personal creativity and understanding.
“If it wasn’t for RAC, I would never have met all of the staff at Aspen Art Museum and other groups that are represented. I now feel I can call on anyone in the group in the future to get help.”
—RAC Network member (October 2021)
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