Prošle godine uvećali smo našu mrežu za 23 nove destinacije i u jednom trenutku leteli na ukupno 87 ruta do 34 zemlje širom Evrope, Severne Amerike, Azije i Afrike, kaže Jirži Marek We last year expanded our network with 23 new destinations, at one point operating flights along a total of 87 routes to 34 countries across Europe, North America, Asia and Africa ~ Jiri Marek
The Serbian national airline has continued its positive business trend by practically doubling its profits compared to the previous year, without a single euro of state subsidies in both years
THANKS TO THE INTRODUCTION OF OVER 20 NEW DESTINATIONS and a significant increase in the to- tal number of flights and carried pa- ssengers, as well as efficient ope- rations, Air Serbia achieved record profits of €40.5 million in 2023, ac- cording to preliminary results. Air Serbia also continued its positive operating and net results in 2023, generating revenue of €627.9 mi- llion according to preliminary re- sults, surpassing half a billion euros in revenue for the first time since its 2013 rebranding. “Air Serbia experienced signifi- cant growth last year compared to the last pre-pandemic year of 2019. That year is now history and we are writing a new chapter. We last year expanded our network with 23 new destinations and at one point were operating flights along a total of 87 routes to 34 countries across Euro- pe, North America, Asia and Africa. In scheduled and charter traffic, we carried a total of 4.19 million passen- gers, which is the third-best result in the airline’s nearly 97-year history. The share of transfer passengers in- creased to 40%, up from 35% in 2022. We are very pleased that su- ch unprecedented growth was ac- companied by positive financial re- sults. The intensive growth of 2022 and 2023 was unavoidable in or- der for us to meet the increased de- mand and achieve the critical mass
and market presence necessary for further business development, in li- ne with our strategy. Now, as we rea- ch the aforementioned critical mass in the milestone tenth year since the establishment of Air Serbia, we wi- ll work to further stabilise operations, expand the network and improve the services we provide to passengers,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. He added that the Serbian nati- onal airline “owes great appreciation for the results achieved and strong position as a leader in aviation in this part of the world to the significant support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the dedicated work of its employees, the loyalty of partners and the trust of millions of passengers”. In line with previous announ- cements and with the aim of furt- her developing operations, grou- nd handling services for Air Serbia – previously carried out by com- pany Belgrade Airport – were taken over on 5 th March by Menzies Aviati- on, a leading global partner in grou- nd handling services. The expansion of the Air Serbia fleet is also planned, primarily rela- ted to regional aircraft, such as the ATR 72-600, as well as new long- haul aircraft like the Airbus A330- 200, both of which are expected to contribute to strengthening and further expanding that segment of operations.
onalna avio-kompanija veliku za- hvalnost za postignute rezultate i čvrstu poziciju lidera u avio-sao- braćaju u ovom delu sveta duguje snažnoj podršci Vlade Republike Srbije, posvećenom radu zapo- slenih, lojalnosti partnera i pove- renju miliona prevezenih putnika.“ U skladu sa ranijim najavama i u cilju daljeg razvoja poslovanja, zemaljsko opsluživanje za Er Sr- biju na beogradskom aerodromu od 5. marta preuzeo je „Menzis aviejšn“, a planirano je prošire- nje flote Er Srbije, pre svega ka- da je reč o regionalnim avionima ATR 72-600, kao i novim avioni- ma za dugolinijski saobraćaj „er- bas“ A330-200, koji bi trebalo da doprinesu jačanju tog vida sao- braćaja i daljoj ekspanziji.
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